When Sleet Meets Leaf: Part 2

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Leaf didn't know what was happening. When he left Sleet in the pavilion, she seemed fine, but when Queen Glory called him back, her clear gray eyes were bloodshot.

His eyebrows furrowed in concern. Was she okay? Did she need something? Would she want to visit the periwinkle grove? He did that when he was upset, so Sleet might like it too.

I should take her there, he thought.

But maybe not now. Sleet had obviously been crying, and her dragonets had been hanging on his back for the past half hour. They were both exhausted.

"Leaf, please take Sl- that is, our guest to the hut in which she and her dragonets will be staying."
He dropped into a bow. "Of course, Your Majesty."


Sleet's hut was a lot like his own. Of course, that may be because the same NightWing dragonet designed them both.

But it had a few different features. Her hut was spacious, which was obviously a good thing, given that her dragonets seemed to be used to taking up a lot of space. It had a large hammock in the far right corner. Two smaller hammocks were set up right next to it. The table in the front of the hut was filled with fruit and some kind of dead animal. Leaf scrunched up his snout at the sight and continued to look.

The air in this cabin was cold, thanks to Mightyclaws's creativity. He had drawn a block of ice near the hammocks, and because of the magic, it didn't melt. This must have been paradise for Sleet, Icecap, and Hailstone, But Leaf felt chilly and immediately wished that he had brought a scarf.

Sleet must have noticed this. "Oh, I'm sorry! Are you okay? Do you want a blanket or something?"

"I'm fine," he said, curling his claws in an attempt to get warm. He sat down and tucked his back legs underneath him. "How do you like your hut?"

"It's lovely. Who built it?"

"A dragonet named Mightyclaws. He got powers from Darkstalker, and has been using them to built houses for the NightWings. Glory asked him to build a house for the soldiers and guests."

"That's nice," she said, sounding distracted.

He leaned in. "Are you okay? You don't seem very excited or happy."

"No, I'm f-fine. I just- I'm fine."

"Okay," he said, not convinced. "Tell me if you need anything. I'm your guide for as long as you're in the rainforest. My hut is the one across the trees."

"Of course. Thank you."

"No problem."


Sleet was back in the Ice Kingdom. Except this time, she was not with her dragonets. Standing beside her was her husband.

"Iceberg?" she whispered shakily. "Are you really here?"

He smiled and disappeared. Sleet drew back in shock.

"No wait! I need you!"

He appeared again to her left. She whipped around and lunged forward.

"I have to talk to you!"

He vanished and appeared behind her as a smiling apparition.

"Iceberg, please!" She could feel frustrated tears leak from her eyes. "Come back," she whispered. "Come back to me. I love you."

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