Someone Else

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Adrien was now sitting at his desk in his bedroom. He has already received the angry argument from his father about running away from his bodyguard and got in even more trouble by acting surprised that Gabriel actually noticed that he was gone. But that wasn't bothering him right now as he couldn't help but think about what happened at the park.

"I'm in love with someone else."

There was the ice-cream. Coconut ash; black like Chat Noir's outfit. Mint; bright green, just like Chat Noir's eyes. That's when a memory replaced this event. Chat and Ladybug had managed to deakumatize Gigantitan for the second time but Ladybug had to bug out quickly after. Chat went to go after her as she still had the baby's pacifier but instead saw Marinette on top of her balcony. He thought that she might have just been a fan of him and Ladybug but before he could suggest that, Marinette hugged at him and said loudly:

"I'm in love with you!"

It all made sense now. Marinette was still in love with Chat Noir and not Adrien. But Adrien is Chat Noir which means that Marinette does love Adrien but she just doesn't know it. Totally not confusing at all.

"She loves me," Adrien said quietly, his smiling widerning.

"Um, did you miss the part where she said that she loves someone else?" Plagg asked from across the room.

"That someone else is me," Adrien said, drifting away in thought.

"What happened to Ladybug anyways?" Plagg asked, stuffing camembert in his mouth, "Weren't you head over heels in love with her?"

"Plagg!" Adrien cringed, "Don't talk with your mouth full of that stinky cheese! You're getting it everywhere!"

Plagg swallowed, "That's just how you know it's delicious."

"That... makes no sense," Adrien said, "And anyways, you know Ladybug doesn't feel that way towards me. What's the point of running after her if it'll just end in heartbreak?"

"And I thought that Marinette was just a friend!" Plagg added.

"No. She's so much more than that," Adrien went back to daydreaming, "She's the girl of my dreams. I just didn't know it. How didn't I know it?"

"Like I said before," Plagg noted, "People are blind."

"But it doesn't matter! She likes Chat Noir! And I'm Chat Noir," Adrien beamed at Plagg.

"Love is so confusing," Plagg whined, "Unlike cheese!"

"Tonight I'm going to talk to her. I'll let her get to know me. We can go on a date! Watch a movie! I've never been able to watch a movie in the cinema before!" Adrien said excitedly.

"Don't get your hopes up. Wasn't she dating Luka yesterday or something?" Plagg asked.

"But they broke up," Adrien said, confused on why Luka was an issue.

"Don't you think she'd still be upset about it?" Plagg asked, "And not be ready to move on?"

"Oh, really?" Adrien looked away, "I guess I didn't think about that... I'm not good with all this dating stuff. Kagami was my first girlfriend but I felt nothing towards her. I only saw her as a friend and nothing more. I wasn't even that upset when we broke up, I was just sad that we couldn't at least be friends. I forgot that that might not be the case for everyone else..." Adrien paused, "But that doesn't mean that I can't still talk to her, right? And be friends?"

"And be stuck in the friend zone?" Plagg asked, "It's probably best if you just stay single, my friend."

Adrien sighed and looked at his phone. He was currently looking at a photo of Marinette on her Instagram page. How did he become in love with her this much?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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