
552 8 3

Y/n: Your name

L/n: Last name

e/c: Eye color

h/c: Hair color

f/c: Favorite color

f/f: Favorite food

f/d: Favorite drink

Name: Y/n L/n

Height: 6'0

Looks: Whatever you look like

Age: 17

Likes: Food, Alcohol, sleep, Suguha (when you meet her) helping others, protecting those who can't protect themselves, animals, his trusty hunting knife betty.

Dislikes: Bullies, hurting others when unnecessary, cheaters, Bright lights. 

While he was a child, Y/n was basically treated like trash. In his parent's eyes, he was trash. The only person he had that was there for him was his brother. Unfortunately, when Y/n was 10, his brother, Kusuo committed suicide because of their parent's harsh treatment. This led Y/n's parents to be even crueler towards their son. As a result, Y/n started to bottle up his feelings and shut people out.

'If you have any suggestions on what I should do next or change, let me know. I'll update this every few days hopefully. Bye for now, as I must continue my crusade!'

A Lovable Psycopath Fem Yandere x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now