Chapter 3 - What in Sam hell?

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*Third Person*

Y/n woke up in a strange room. It was nicely decorated, looked spacious, and had multiple forms of entertainment.
He noticed the desk had a box, with a note.
Having nothing else to do besides wonder where he was, he read the note.
It said:

'Dear Y/n,
I know you are probably quite confused, concerned even. I just thought I'd let you know that you're safe, and wanted to give you this.

Signed, Suguha.'

Y/n was quite confused, as he had never heard of this suguha person. He didn't think much of it, and opened the box. Inside was a bunch of parts. To what you may ask? An Ar-15. Y/n had always been into guns, and always wanted one, but that wasn't possible due to his home situation.

Y/n: "Holeee shit. That's nice. I wonder why though."

As he started taking the parts out of the box, he noticed there was another box behind the larger one.
He opened it to find an Acog, a suppressor, and a few extra surplus metal magazines.

This was quite the gift, and he was invested. He spent the next few hours putting everything together, and afterwards, couldn't help but reload the gun over and over. This was the most fun he'd had in his entire life.

He heard someone walking towards the bedroom door, and when the door opened, was surprised to see C/n.

Y/n: "C/n? What are you doing here? What am I doing here?"

C/n: "Alrighty, let's clear one thing up. My name isn't C/n. Never was. My real name is Suguha. Suguha Kayama."

Y/n thought about this, and slowly it started to make sense. The note on the gift. It was signed by her. He just stared at her, wondering what made her think about doing this, and mostly why him specifically.

Y/n: "So. Why did you do it? Why did you kidnap me? If you think anyone's going to pay ransom for me, you're wrong. You did give that gun though, so I doubt it's that.

*Suguha's POV*

Didn't really expect him to ask these many questions. Especially this early on. I pondered his words. What he said just further proved that his parents were filth, the scum of the earth. It made me so mad I wanted to-

Y/n: "Hello? You still there? I asked you a question."

Shit. How am I supposed to answer that?

Suguha: "I wanted to help you out. I noticed that your home life isn't the...greatest.
I wish to help you experience a normal life. My goal is to help you have the childhood you never got."

*Third Person*

Y/n thought about this. He wondered what she mean by "the childhood he never had"
Was it not normal for children to be raised how he was? He was confused, concerned even.

Y/n: "Was how my parents treated me not normal? I was under the impression that all parents brought their kids up like that."

Suguha looked at me sadly, as if I had just told her that HER MOM WAS GA- *ahem*
As if I had just told her that the titanic was a good mov- you get the point.

Suguha: "Y/n, parents are supposed to protect and love their children, not abuse and slave drive them.

Suguha: But that's not the point here. We are going to go out and have some fun. I'm going to take you somewhere you may like.

She grabbed his hand, and started pulling him toward her car. It wasn't anything too special, just a generic Toyota.

She drove, and drove until she pulled onto a gravel road. She followed the path for a good few minutes, and eventually stopped at a small clearing. Without saying anything, Suguha got out of the car, opened the trunk and started pulling out bags. She opened one of the bags, and started string up some sort of tent.

Suguha: "You gonna help or what? I wanna get this set up before nightfall.

Y/n bolted out of the car, and immediately got to helping. Suguha had to explain some things to him, due to him never going camping, or doing anything fun in his life. After they got everything set up, suguha made a fire and started cooking F/f. Y/n was mesmerized by the beauty of the flames.

*Suguha POV*

I saw Y/n staring into the fire, almost as if he was hypnotized by it. I called his name a few times, but no response. I chuckled to myself, glad that he was enjoying himself.
I was cooking F/f, and was liking the smell. I was thinking about the gun bought him, and how eagerly he built it. He's definitely American. I was glad I installed those cameras in his room. He grabbed something from the cat, and it was the gun. It was nothing too special, just a colt Ar-15.
I brought the food over, and he looked at it curiously.

Y/n: "Is this for me? That's quite a bit. Are you sure you don't want some for yourself?"

I just shook my head, and started eating my own food. For someone who didn't eat much, he wad well built. Around 6'0, and 190 pounds, he was doing okay. I wish that I could express how much I loved him, but I feel as if he would be revolted, even disgusted. If he knew that I stalked him he wo-

Y/n: Hey. You okay?

*Your POV*

You saw that suguha was zoning out, and decided to get her attention.

Suguha: Uh, yeah? I'm good.

You doubted her. Not because you distrusted her, but because you could see it in her eyes. You beckoned her with a hand gesture. She tiredly shuffled over, and sat down next to you. You let her rest on your lap, and called it a day. You eventually drifted off to sleep, suguha I'm your arms.

GodMothaFuckin Damn. That took awhile. Hope it's an okay chapter. I'll probably update Saturday or sunday.
For now I shall continue my crusade. Huzzah!

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