Chapter 2 - Drinking time!

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*Your Pov*

You started to clean up your wounds, and thought about when you were going to get alcohol next. The only reason you were able to get booze is because you knew a cashier at the local liquor store. You once saved her from some muggers, and she let's you purchase alcohol as a means to thank you. This time, you wanted vodka.

Y/n: "Vodka sounds good this time around. I wonder what I should get... I guess I'll get
(Favorite Vodka)

You felt as if tonight was one of the nights that you mixed. What does mix mean? Alcohol and Weed. It was something you only did on super stressful days. You knew it was bad for you, dangerous in high amounts even, but you didn't care. You didn't really care about your well-being. You didn't necessarily want to die, per se, but you didn't really want to live, either.

Y/n: "Alright, let's go then."

*Timeskip brought to you by ??? Stalking Y/n*

*3rd person pov*

Y/n was seen walking to the liquor store. It was about 11:45 at night, and was quite chilly. He opened the door, and saw that C/n (cashier name) was there. This was great because she was the one to allowed him to purchase booze.

C/n: "Hello Y/n. What'll it be this time?"

He contemplated on what he should get, and then made his decision.

Y/n: "I'll take 2 bottles of F/v, and a bottle of Screwball."

C/n: "Alrighty, comin' up."

She came back with his choices, and handed them to him.

C/n: "That'll be $50.34."

He handed her the money, and then noticed something. She looked great. Not cosmetics great, but naturally. Y/n preferred to see someone purely off of their own looks, not littered with makeup, or otherwise.

Y/n: "You look great tonight. Espe-"

He cut himself short. He noticed her face getting red, and thought that she was getting angry.

Y/n: "I'm sorry, it won't ha-"

C/n: "It's alright. Thank you, that really means a lot to me."

He was confused, not understanding why someone would appreciate his compliment so much. He decided he was thinking too much of it and got ready to leave.

Y/n: "Goodnight. I'm going to head home now."

C/n: "Alright, you be safe."

Y/n then left, and went to his favorite spot in the woods. He knew better than to bring his booze an drugs home, so he had a little tent to stash his stuff. He went in and started the fun.

*??? Pov*

I followed Y/n to his spot in the woods,
Watching his every move. I saw him open a bottle of F/v and immediately start downing it. About halfway through the bottle, he closes it and sets it down. He then pulls out an IPad shuffle, and plugs in some earbuds.

After about thirty minutes of watching, I decided to head back home. I figured that he wouldn't hear me get up and leave because of his music. As I got up, I heard
Y/n say something.

Y/n: "I know someone's there... come out and talk."

He was slurring his words, an effect of drinking half a bottle of vodka. I was seriously contemplating running, when a wave of confidence hit me. What if this was my chance? Maybe Y/n would finally notice me, and love me back!

*3rd person pov*

??? Walked out from behind the tree, and approached Y/n. He noticed her, and started speaking.

Y/n: "Why, hello there. Wait a minute, C/n, is that you?"

She froze. Shit! He recognized her by the fake name she gave him.

C/n?: "Perhaps. Anyway, what brings you out here?"

She already knew, but decided to play it safe and be as un-suspicious as possible.

Y/n: "I like to come here and get away from it all. My parents are... not the best and sometimes I need a little distance, y'know?"

He was rambling drunkenly, and C/n? Was listening to every word. She decided bow was her chance to capture her precious Y/n. She was just going to wait until the right time.

C/n?: "So, why do you only purchase hard liquor and never the light stuff?"

He contemplated what his answer was going to be until he made a decision.

Y/n: "Because it fucks me up. I get drunk to try to numb the pain. It doesn't really work anymore though..."

C/n? Was thinking about his words, and the meaning behind them. She was furious that anyone could make her precious Y/n so upset!

She decided it was now or never, and got out a cloth covered in halothane. Most cliche kidnappers used chloroform, but halothane was much stronger. She lunged at him, and covered his mouth with the cloth, and pressed down firmly.

*Y/n pov*

You were talking with C/n? and enjoying yourself, when suddenly she jumped 0n you and held a cloth to your mouth and pressed down.

You didn't even fight it, knowing it would be useless. After getting knocked out, you woke up in a room you had never seen before. Where? Don't ask me. I'm just the author.

Let me know what you thought! If there are any suggestions on what I should do for the next chapter, comment them here. Thanks for reading and this is Heretic-Slayer, signing off.

A Lovable Psycopath Fem Yandere x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now