Chapter 1

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You were woken up by a feeling of cold wetness. You opened your eyes groggily to see that you were soaked. By your bed, you saw your "Father" with an empty bucket. He looked pissed.

F/n: "Why haven't you gotten up yet? You have shit to do, mistake."

Y/n: "My apologies sir, it won't happen again."

You said with a monotonous voice. There was no point in arguing, as that would make the punishments worse. This was how your father woke you up on days that you were supposed to go to the store. They made you do most, if not all of the errands and chores for them. The only thing they didn't have you do, was cook. They believed, that given the chance, you would somehow poison their food.

Y/n: "What am I going to get this time?"

F/n: "Same as usual. Make sure to be back in an hour, or else."

Y/n: "Yes, sir."

You got up to change. Whilst taking your shirt off, you looked at yourself in the mirror and stared at the scars on your back and chest. They were a grim reminder of why you must always obey your parents. Most of them were from when your father didn't think you were being respectful, of you failed to fully complete a task, but some were from your mother as well. 

As you finished putting on your shirt, you noticed something was off. Almost as if you were being watched. You shook off the feeling and went out the door. While you were walking you were deep in thought. Unbeknownst to you, you were being watched. The person watching you followed you to the store, and even through the aisles without you noticing.

???s thoughts: One day you will soon be mine, and I will save you from the scum you call your "Parents".

After you got everything checked out, you looked at the time. It was 6:50. Shit. You needed to get back home fast, or else you'd be punished harshly. You ran like there was no tomorrow and eventually made it home. When you got to your door, you saw Father standing there, looking pissed. Oh no

F/n: "You're late. You know what that means."

It meant it was time for a beating. Your father grabbed you by the hair and dragged you through the house. He got to the basement door and opened it, tossing you down the stairs. You landed on your back, the wind knocked out of you. You weren't even scared. You've come to accept this as a way of life. Your dad brings out a variety of tools and weapons.

F/n: "So, what'll it be, boy? The whip, or the knife?"

You contemplated this, then chose the knife. All he would do is cut you, but with the whip, he could crush bones.

Y/n: "The knife, I guess."

Your father then proceeded to slice you up with deep slash after deep slash. It got to a point where you looked like a piece of bloody meat. He tossed you a towel and bandages to clean up. Not because he cared, no because he didn't want to lose his punching bag, and he wanted you to live with the guilt, of the incident.

'Flashback *Y/n Pov*'

A young Y/n and Kusuo were seen in the basement, shivering, and crying. Y/n was sobbing uncontrolably and bleeding badly. His brother was doing his best to console him.

Young Kusuo: "Hey, hey, it's gonna be okay. Tommorow we get to go to school, and get away."

Even though school was a way of escape, Kusuo knew that it was only temporary, but his parents wrath was eternal. While Kusuo was consoling you, you ended up falling asleep.He was glad that you were finally able to calm down and drift off. He was confused on what to do at this point. He wanted to get out, but still keep an eye on you. He believed that the reason your parents were so abusive was his fault. He contemplated this, and eventually came up with a plan.

Young Kusuo: "Welp, this is where it all ends, huh?"

Kusuo had some how gotten his hands on some rope, and had looped it over some pipes, making a noose of some sort. He climbed up, and did the deed. The next morning, your parents woke up to screaming and sobs. Deciding to see what it was so he could shut you up, your father opened the basement door, and walked down the stairs. What he saw was... horrifying to say the least. His eldest son was swaying, a rope around his neck, while his youngest was crying his eyes out and saying "no no no no no no." Your father was in shock. He was just staring at Kusuos lifeless body. He decided it was your fault, and grabbed you by the neck, pinning you to the wall. 

Dad: "What the fuck did you do?!" "Tell me right now, or i swear to god, I'll kill you!"

You were too scared to answer. Partly because you just woke up to your brothers corpse, partly because of your fathers death threat. 

Young Y/n: "N-nothing, I-I-I s-swear!"

You were about to faint because of the stress. Yur father then tossed you on the ground, and grabbed kusuo gently. He then carried him bridal style up the stairs, locking the door behind him. Later that night, you saw your father bury him in the backyard. After that the beatings just got worse, and worse.

Thanks for reading! Im sorry i took this long for such a short chapter, but hey, I tried. For now, i shall continue my crusade! 

A Lovable Psycopath Fem Yandere x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now