Chapter 16

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(Sweetpea's P.O.V)

I wake up from light peering through the window and get up. I leave the room still slightly groggy from waking up. I see Jughead still sleeping on the couch, he looks really peaceful in his sleep compared to his normal guarded self. I head over to wake him and notice he has dried tear streaks on his face. I worry about what is bothering him, he looked shaken up when we left Pop's but I didn't know if I should have asked about it. Jughead opens his eyes and I feel uncomfortable because I look like I was just watching him sleep. He shoots up quickly obviously scared by me being right by him. He gasps as he sits up and I worry what happened.

"I'm sorry, are you ok?" I say.

"Yeah, I'm ok. You just scared me" he says breathing abnormally heavy.

He stands up from the couch us now inches apart, my breath gets caught in my throat. We lock eyes for a moment before he snaps out of whatever daze he was in.

"What did you need?" he asks walking around me and into the kitchen quickly.

I clear my throat before saying "I just wanted to thank you for letting me stay here and if it isn't to much trouble I was curious if I could stay a couple more days until I find a place to stay?" I ask, worried he'll say no.

"Yeah, I'd love it if you stayed" he says sending me a small smile.

"Cool, thank you!" I say grateful for him letting me be around him, even though he likes hanging out on his own a lot.

"Would you like some breakfast?" he asks.

"No thanks, I am actually going out for a bit" I say.

He nods his head before saying "well if I'm not here when you get back the spare key is above the door."

"Thanks, see you later" I say.

"Bye" he calls as I leave the trailer.

I start my walk to Fangs' house. I need to talk to him about what happened the other night. We made a deal together when we were younger that we would tell each other if something was wrong. I find it slightly odd that I went to Jughead instead of Fangs or even Toni. I guess it is just because Jughead's trailer was closer. (Obviously)

I reach Fangs' house and see his little sisters playing in the front yard. Fangs seemed to be doing better with his financial problems since getting a better job. I head up to the door and knock. The door opens almost immediately but I wasn't surprised, he always was quick to the door when his sisters were outside.

"Hey Fangs" I say when the door opens up.

"Sweetpea!" he beams

"Everything ok?"

"Um... it is right now, but I need to talk to you" I say being honest.

It is really hard for me to be honest all the time but I really try my best round Fangs.

"Come in" he says politely.

We sit in his living room Fangs waiting silently for me to speak. I explain what happened the other night in little detail and when I finished he seemed upset.

"What's wrong?" I ask worried.

"You told a random fucking boy that you barely know before your best friend,"

"What the fuck did he do that I didn't?" he asks.

"W-well nothing, I guess his trailer was closer" I say, sad I let Fangs down.

"Oh, go forbid you walk the extra distance to get friend who knows you and won't screw you over"

"Jughead isn't going to screw me over" I state under my breath.

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