Chapter 17

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(Sweetpea's P.O.V)

We play the only game that he has for about an hour. I watched Jughead's posture and facial expressions to know if he was in pain so I could help him. I make us some sandwiches for lunch so that Jughead can rest on the couch. I am still worried about him, his face looks awful and I can't imagine how everything else looks that I can't see. He is so strong all the time I just wish he would let himself open up so I can get to know him fully and not just what he shows. He is so beautiful, amazing , brave and caring. These are just attributes I've noticed about him though. I walk over to the couch where Jughead is sitting and place the plates on the coffee table.

"Thank you" he says.

"No problem" I respond.

I take a seat next to him and he looks somewhat down. I don't know what comes over me but I wrap Jughead in an embrace. I feel him tense and I pull away immediately. Why the fuck would I hug him, I probably hurt his injuries.

"Sorry" I get out hastily.

"No, it's ok. I just wasn't expecting it" he says seemingly closing in on himself.

Fuck, I shouldn't have hugged him. I mean we barely know each other and he doesn't prefer physical touch.

"How are you doing Sweetpea?" he asks, obviously talking about the night with Derek and Naomi.

Why is he asking how I'm doing when he is hurt. I mean it's nice that he didn't just forget about my problems that I talked to him about but it's like he doesn't even care or notice his injuries.

"Sweetpea you ok?" Jughead asks gently placing his hand on my shoulder.

I snap out of my thoughts as he gently squeezes my shoulder in encouragement.

"Yes I'm fine" I say in a cold tone, remembering what Fangs had said about Jughead possibly screwing me over.

Jughead removes his hand almost instantly and nods in acknowledgment. Jughead gets very reserved and quiet and I start to worry when he just stares at the ground or looking at anything but me. I should give him some space maybe he is getting tired of me too.

"Um, I'm going to head out I have to pick some things up"

"Ok" Jughead responds almost inaudible.

I get up quickly and glance at Jughead before leaving the trailer. I think about what Fangs had said and get worried because I don't want to lose Jughead like I lose everyone. Maybe I'm just a nuisance for him. I shove those thoughts out of my head and start my walk to the whyt worm.

(Jughead's P.O.V)

I hear the door close and I let out the breath I had been apparently holding. I feel slightly guilty for making Sweetpea leaving. Every small thing is making me think of Archie, which is making me jumpy. I wish I didn't flinch when Sweetpea embraced me because I really wanted to hug him, he makes me feel safe whenever I'm around him. I feel everything is finally going to be ok when he is around. I don't know what this is that I'm feeling but him being gone makes the trailer feel empty.

I write my story until about four-thirty when I begin dinner. I don't know where Sweetpea is and I begin to worry he found some place else to stay. I feel slightly down at that thought. I smile though when I hear a car pull up into the driveway. Sweetpea probably got a ride from Fangs or one of his other friends. I'm making spaghetti something Sweetpea said he liked. I am making it as hopefully an apology for making him think I wanted him to leave.

"Hey Sweetpea," I say as I hear the door open.

I jump when the door slams shut. I see my father round the corner and my heart stops. I flinch back from him when he keeps walking. I see him eye the empty boxes that his things used to be in. I silently curse myself for not taking care of those. My father slams me against the the wall looking furious.

"I tell you to stay out of fucking trouble and I come home to see my shit is gone and that you have someone over" Fp says in a low threatening tone.

My hands start shaking at the close proximately between him and I, knowing I won't be able to defend myself. He backs off and grabs a glass from the counter and pelts it at me. I cover my head and the glass breaks on my arm shards getting in my arm. I straighten up looking at him with glassy eyes.

"Please, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset. Look I made you dinner" I say trying not to sound terrified.

"DON'T LIE TO ME BOY!" He yells slamming his fist into my side.

I yelp in pain and my knees give way making me collapse on the ground once again. I don't know what I did to him to make him hate me so much. I just want to be able to look him in the eyes and see love and not hate and disapointment.

"Please I make it up to you" I breath out.

"Make it up to me? You can't do anything right, how the fuck would you make it up to me?" he says, grabbing me and pinning me to the wall.

"It's time you get what you fucking deserve"

I feel the impact of his fist in my side again and I bite my lip so I only groan in pain.

"I don't know how I stood you this long" he says slamming his fist into my side again and again.

A tear rolls down my face and he smacks me across the face.

"What have I told you about crying you fuck up"

I scream at the pain from his fist colliding with my side again. I go limp from the searing pain, my vision gets blurry as I feel punch after punch.

"HEY! GET THE FUCK OFF HIM" I hear Sweetpea shout.

Fp drops me onto the shards of glass that are on the floor. He turns on Sweetpea, throwing a punch that Sweetpea blocks and reciprocates, landing it in his jaw. As Sweetpea comes out of his hit Fp punches Sweepea in the eye. Sweetpea shoves Fp back and he trips and falls. Fp must have noticed he could win against Sweetpea because he shuffled out the door.


Sweetpea comes over to me after a couple seconds, probably making sure Fp was gone. He doesn't say anything as he grabs the motorcycle keys and picks me up. I bite my lip but even that can't stop me from groaning in pain. He breaths an apology as he brings us outside next to the motorcycle. He helps me onto the motorcycle, apologizing when I groan again.

We arrive at a hotel and he helps me get to the front desk, apologizing every time I showed my pain. He gets a room and heads over to the elevator. I shiver slightly when a person enters the elevator with us, Sweetpea must have noticed because he makes him leave by threatening him. We reach the room and he lays me on the bed. I whisper a small thank you but I don't think he heard it. I move onto my side that wasn't on fire and finally let all the tears I had been holding in fall.


Hello, here is a sad chapter. What do you think? Feel free to comment your thoughts. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, ngl it was hard to write. As always I hope you have a super day/night. See you on the next one. :)

I wanted to thank you all so much for the support, and the votes, it means the world to me!

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