Chapter 6

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"Oh hey, fancy seeing you here!" Sandra jokes in her most sarcastically feminine voice. Barrett shakes his head and cringes at the sheer ignorance that radiates off of her. He has never hatted anyone this much in his life. "Are we ready to have some fun?" Sandra continues, laughing to herself.

"Go to hell," Barrett grumbles. Sandra shoots him a wink as she sets a black duffle back down against the wall.

"I'll see ya there, babe," she giggles.

With that, Sandra bends over, her rear facing towards Barrett, clearly wanting him to look at her, and reaches into the duffle bag. Barrett cranes his neck to try and look around her, but only sees what she's reaching for when she stands up and turns around. In her small hands she holds two items: a long serrated knife and a melon ball scoop. At her feet Barrett can just barely see a mechanical drill peeking out from the bag. Suddenly, horrible pictures flash across Barrett's eyes from the inside—women found at crime scenes bloodied and beaten, their skin torn and pieces of their face missing. It dawns on him that this will be Chloe's fate as well as his own. And if Sandra was smart, if she really wanted to torture Barrett, she would do all of these terrible things to Chloe first, forcing him to watch her die. The thought causes him to panic, so, not knowing what else to do, Barrett yanks against the chains restraining him. Of course nothing happens, but Sandra still watches him carefully, making sure he cannot escape.

"You're a bitch, you know that?" Barrett spits, finally giving up the struggle. Sandra sighs with a smile and twirls a strand of hair in her painted fingers.

"I know." With that, she turns on her heel and starts to make her way towards Chloe, just as Barrett had feared she would. Letting a tear fall from each of his blue eyes he turns his head to look at Chloes face one last time. Her skin is ghostly pale—theres a very good chance that she's already dead. How Barrett wishes he never had to see her like this.

When Sandra is close enough to reach out and touch her, Barrett closes his eyes and turns his head away. There is no way in hell he is watching what is bound to happen to her. He waits for the horrific sound of torture, but nothing comes. Cheating a bit, Barrett opens his eye to peek at whats happening. Sandra is kneeled down in front of Chloe, the melon ball scoop in her hand and the knife on the ground next to her feet. One of her hands is checking Chloes pulse, and she nods in satisfaction. Sandra raises her other hand and slowly moves it towards Chloes left eye.

What happens next is all a blur. Chloe's head jerks forward, hitting Sandra right in the nose. Sandra flies back, swearing loudly. Then, Chloe's knee comes up with perfect timing, hitting Sandra again square in the jaw. This time, she falls back completely, landing on her back. This gives Chloe enough time to get the knife under her shoe and push it forward abruptly so it jams into Sandra's thigh. She swears even louder this time, and her hands reach down to clutch the knife. She writhes in pain for a bit as Chloe desperately twists and pulls against the ropes holding her.

Barrett just sits there, helpless, still in complete shock. The move was brilliant if she had a part B to this escape plan. So far, it does not look like shes getting anywhere with those ropes.

"You bitch," Sandra screams, followed by a cry of pain as she yanks the knife out of her flesh. Tightening her grip on it, she leans forward and stabs it into Chloe's thigh, right above the bullet hole. This earns an agonizing scream from Chloe, making Barrett cringe. Sandra twits it around inside the muscles, creating a sickening sound. Chloe's other leg suddenly shoots up and her foot slams into Sandras stomach sending her tumbling backwards again.

The most hopeful thing all night suddenly happens. A small piece of metal on the floor catches Barretts eye. It is just barely in reach of his foot, so he stretches his leg out, gets the piece under his shoe, and pulls it towards him. The piece of metal is just a rusty needle, probably something left in the basement by the previous owner of the house, and possibly knocked into his vision during the struggle between Sandra and Chloe.

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