Chapter 5

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            Chloe continues to roll around in pain in the corner, her cries soft and muffled. Barrett stares down their attacker, his mind reeling. Sandra? Sure, she's a bit odd and oblivious but there's no way. She's an agent hired to track down killers. Why would she risk being one herself? That is honestly the dumbest thing Barrett has ever heard. In order to become an agent, she would have to give them her fingerprints. If she were to leave anything at a crime scene the system would match those prints immediately. But then again no prints have been found until today. And no one would ever suspect an agent to be the actual criminal.

Sandra smirks as she tucks a strand of her blond hair behind her ear. She's dressed in all black, with a leather bag slung over her shoulder. Her knuckles are a bit bruised, but other than that she looks like she could have just been walking down the street in public.

"It's you?" he finally asks. Sandra flashes her perfectly white teeth.

"Yep," she almost giggles. Chloe is still crying in pain over in the corner, her blood spilling onto the floor. The thought makes Barrett's stomach turn, but a small voice in his head tells him to keep calm and not take his eyes off of this killer in front of him. "I've got to admit I'm impressed that you found me."

"I have the same training as you," Barrett points out. He knows that he's trained in the area of combat but he also knows that she is too. Pretty much all of his secrets to fighting and bringing down a criminal, Sandra knows. "Why did you leave a clue for me?"

"Because I knew you would follow her," Sandra spits out. She sighs and rolls her eyes before continuing, "You're so predictable, Agent Kain. This was actually my easiest way to get to you. I knew you'd be assigned the hardest case so it wasn't hard to get you on it. It actually ended up being a happy coincidence that Chloe here was your ex. I'm tired of you always getting the best cases. Mine are always so easy- they give me the ones that have full fingerprint evidence so all I have to do is put it in a computer which automatically finds a match. It's never any fun. I never get any bite marks or the good stuff like that. I got bored. So I started wondering—since I know exactly what police and agents look for while finding a killer, if I could pull off the perfect crime. I could be smart enough not to leave any evidence behind. Needless to say, here I am. It worked. No one ever expects the secret agent hired to hunt down killers to be one herself," she finishes with a grin.

"You are absolutely insane," Barrett grumbles. Who in their right mind would turn to murder just because they were bored? Someone who should be locked up, that's who.

"I know," Sandra giggles, flipping her hair over her shoulder. With that, she turns her stance so the gun is pointed towards Chloe once again. Barrett suddenly panics, not wanting any more harm to be brought to her. She's already losing a lot of blood and she really cannot afford another injury right now. Not really thinking this through, Barrett jumps forward and crashes into Sandra. His shoulder collides with her chest, knocking her backwards. She lets out a sound of surprise, and the gun goes off on her hand. The bullet hits the ceiling and Chloe screams in the corner. Thank god it missed her.

Sandra squirms on the ground under Barrett as he holds her down, using his foot to kick the gun away from her. Before he can get a good grip in her wrists, Sandra throws a punch, her knuckles colliding with the left side of Barrett's jaw. He is pushed back for a moment, white hot pain shooting through his nerves, and Sandra takes this opportunity to forcefully push him further back until their positions are switched. Damn, she's strong, Barrett can't help but think as Sandra pins him to the floor. She straddles him almost exactly like she did in his office only one day earlier, and digs her long finger nails into his wrists. Barrett cringes in pain at this. That has always been one advantage of being a female in a fight. They were taught this technique on their first day of training.

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