Abbey Ross

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Miracle Abbey Ross had waited for years for her call to adventure. She had waited and waited and waited, and it never came, she never felt the thrill of a near death experience only to rub it in whoever's face that they had almost won only to still lose, she never got to feel the thrill of solving a mystery or the thrill of making friends along the way who would accompany her to deaths door.
In fact the only thrill she ever experienced was when she skipped school to go to a rock concert that ended up making her wish she had gone to school instead.
Of course one of the reasons adventure never found her may just have been her attitude, she was timid, and introvert, she didn't stand out, and always let others walk over her, she wasn't nerdy, no she failed most classes the only class she exceeded was Spanish, French, History and P. E. She never went against her mother's wishes, as there was never any point in arguing, it was useless, and that may have been the reason she hadn't found that thrill. The thrill that makes you shake in fear yet buzz with excitement and anticipation wanting to know what was going to happen next.
Adventure just never glanced her way.
Until Miracle finally made a change, she changed her look and found the attitude that fit her, she spent a year in France and instead of wearing plaid sweaters and long skirts she wore whatever was in fashion, instead of vans it was heels, instead of a backpack a purse, instead of long hair she cut it short and dyed it a popping red, adding bangs for more of that pizazz. Going from no makeup to cherry lip gloss and a little blush arriving to school in a Ferrari instead of walking. And that was nothing compared to her new attitude.
Gone was the timid introvert and in its place was a fierce put you in your place bitch, she wasn't to be walked on if you valued anything. She found a love for acting and aced drama and ended up getting a lead role in the play 'Mama Mia' instead of "ok mother" it was "your not busy like me mother do it yourself" Miracle felt amazing finally controlling her life with her eyes facing forward.
Of course even with all this change it wasn't enough to take away her want for adventure. Eventually three years had gone by and her hope of ever having adventure that wasn't just an act diminished she was ready to admit she wasn't adventure material and put her adventure yearning self behind locked bars fully accepting it wasn't meant to be.
Until four years later...

Hi! What do you think of the story so far? Hate it? Love it? I want to know! The next chapter should be up next week so keep a look out!
(the picture up top is her look) <3

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