The Witty Wizard

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Abbey Ross was exhausted, she had just finished a photo shoot and just wanted to take a quick nap but as soon as she had closed her eyes laying on the velvet cushioned couch away from everyone else her manager barged in.
"that was extraordinary!" Linda her name was exclaimed, she had always wanted to model but had missed out on her golden years due to family drama so she was always so excited when she got a call asking for me to star on there cover. Abbey loved her dearly but sometimes she was too much.
Groaning Abbey sat up and rubbed her eyes knowing she wasn't going to get a wink now that Linda was here.
"Abbey I am so happy you decided to do the shoot!" She wasn't she only did it for her mother who used to star for these people.
Miracle rolled her eyes already annoyed at Linda.
"I thought I would have to drag you kicking and screaming honestly" Linda carried on, and as usual, when she starts talking it's hard to get her to stop, and so Abbeys day continued with Linda's rough voice scraping Miracles ear drums.
"Linda with all do respect shut up" hissed Abbey it had been two fucking hours and Linda was still going on about her doing the shoot. Two fucking hella long hours.
Linda pipped down quickly understanding perfectly Abbeys thought process and knowing she should probably stop talking, she stood up to walk out the door, but not before dropping a huge bombshell on Miracle.
"Oh by the way someone called claimed to know your brother and wanted to talk to you"
"What?" Abbey asked tired and really just wanting to take a quick nap.
When was this? She wondered
"When was this?"
"About two hours ago"
Miracle froze "are you fucking kidding me?!"
Before Linda could respond - if she ever was, she seemed deep In thought probably wondering what she did wrong - Abbey had grabbed her red cardigan sweater, threw on some flats before rushing out the door only to run back In because she forgot her car keys, running out of the Stars Cross building where all the shots taken for there magazines happen she clicked the unlock button and hopped into her Porsche Taycan Turbo, driving off and leaving Linda stranded.
"Hey!" Linda called out, "come back don't leave me here! Abbey!"
One of the photographers walked up to Linda "need a ride?" Linda smiled
"Oh yes please!"

Linda, how daff are you Miracle angrily thought, two hours ago. If whoever he was was patient he would have been standing for two hours at Starbucks (she found out later where she was to meet him) and if he had left well that would have been tragic.
"Come on, come on" Abbey muttered, the traffic was fucking awful.
Abbey looked at the traffic light.
She looked at her phone 8:12.
Looked up - still red.
Looked down - still 8:12
"Come on, come on!" Abbey screamed not in the waiting mood
Finally after what felt like years ( at least to Abbey though only mere minutes) the light turned green.
And Abbey step on the gas pedal, reaching Starbucks in under thirty minutes.
Looking in her review mirror Abbey freshened up a bit before leaving to enter Starbucks.
Abbey took a deep breath,
Woooo well here we go.
When Miracle entered StarBucks she hadn't expected to have a weird short old man sit at her table with an attempt to start a boring conversation on Global Warming (imagine Dumbledore but leprechaun short 🤣)
She also hadn't expected to jump into his car with him - but well that was exactly what happened, Miracle literally said Screw Stranger Danger, and apparently she also said screw the fourth wall (Aha! Sorry not sorry) let's start at the beginning though, I mean that's a pretty big gap,
Great. The line was short, Walking up to the counter Abbey saw Dale, a close friend of hers who worked here, it was one of the reasons she went here often.
"Cupcake!" Dale exclaimed when he noticed Abbey,
Abbey smiled, remembering how she got that stupid nickname.
Abbeys mother smiled staring down lovingly at her six year old daughter who was hiding behind her back clutching her leg.
They had moved in a week ago and Lily (Abbeys mother) being Lily, wanted to be friendly with the neighbors and invited them and their eight year old son - Dale over for dinner. Now Miracle wasn't outgoing, she was shy and had always depended on her older brother so this was new, she had no friends because she saw no need she loved being with her brother, but her brother was at college, and so she grew quite lonely, Lily had noticed this and was ecstatic when she realized her neighbors had a son, hoping he could befriend Lily.
Dale did so begrudgingly but only because he was promised Cake. Stupid Cake he thought, if it weren't for you I wouldn't be here and I'd be out with my FRIENDS, he was annoyed, of course he didn't show it - he really wanted the cake after all it was his mother's famous Chocolate Mousse.
"Honey," Lily whispered to her daughter making her jump. "Honey why don't you go play with Dale" Dale smiled and offered a hand, Abbey took cautiously. Dale ran holding the girls hand tightly and brought the two to the park.
Abbey eyed everything warily.
Dale frowned he thought this would be easy.
She was so timid, and shy but she looked so Innocent, and sweet. Like a cupcake.
"Cupcake" Dale said grinning widely.
Abbey just stared confused. "Wh-what?"
"I'm gonna call you cupcakes!"
"Wha! No! Call me Miracle!" Abbey cried out
Dale pouted but he wanted a special name for her.
"No! Everyone calls you that, I want to call you something different"
Abbey had tried, she really did try to get him to not call her that but she eventually gave up, Dale wasn't going to budge.
*Flashback ended*
"Sorry it's just so surreal hearing that nickname" I whispered blushing.
A little while later and I was sitting down and that was when Tiny Dumbledore made his appearance.
"Global warming is awful"
"Wha-What?" I whispered surprised
"Is that not how you humans start a conversation?" Tiny Dumbledore asked confused.
"Us Humans?! And no!"
"Oh," he just stated, before quickly jumping up "did you get my call?!"
"That was you?!"

Cliffhangerrrrrr kind of :)

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