A wackey Lie

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"So your a dwarf?" Abbey asked "and your names Gandalf?" I'm pretty sure Gandalf was a wizard...
"Yes!" Gandalf exclaimed clapping his hands happily.
A dwarf. Yeah right magic isn't real. Riiight? No, no, of course it's not real!
"Ah ha! Nice one" Miracle wasn't having it, standing up she tipped the waiter and headed to her car.
"You don't believe me?" Ugh, your crazy! I don't believe crazies. Just don't say anything maybe if you act like it's not there he'll go away!
....Abbey glanced down, the crazy dude was following her and had these big humongous puppy eyes and looked to be in tears. Sensitive much?
Looking up she kept walking, I will. Not. Fall. For. This. Hopping into her car she sighed as the Crazy hopped into the passenger seat.
"Get out" closing her eyes. In, out, in, out, she couldn't help it peeling her right eye open in inch. Crazy was still there looking at her with its humongous sad eyes.
"Arghhhhh" sitting up Miracle sighed, "soo, say I believe you? Why are you revealing yourself to me? What makes me special?"
The dwarf visibly brightened, like he literally glowed, Miracle flinched trying to adjust to the sudden brightness and her eyes widened, maybe this guy wasn't crazy... NO. NO. There HAS to be a non magical completely logical explanation...
What sedative did he put in my drink? Did I even buy a drink?
Abbey groaned and payed her head on the wheel, hitting the horn
"Unghhh" Abbey groaned. Looking up she turned to Dumbledore, pointing a finger at the crazy man anger was seen all over her face,
"You, are not real. And this is a stupid dream" after each word she shook her finger up and down
Perplexed Dumbledore laughed "If I were a dream then I am as real as you!"
That did not help her headache

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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