The New Arrival

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Shizuo worriedly sat in class, fidgeting every once in a while. Lately Izaya had been having false labor pains, and had trouble sleeping. He wouldn’t be on his feet for long periods of time, and he felt pretty snappish, wanting to go ahead and deliver the baby. Shinra wanted to wait until Izaya began having contractions before beginning his operation, thus Izaya was as Shinra’s for the time being. Celty would ride over and pick the both of them up once Izaya was about twelve to ten minutes apart from experiencing contractions. Shizuo sighed looking out the window.
Any excuse to get out of class to see his child was good for Shizuo.
It was almost the end of math when Shizuo heard a loud whinny of a horse. Not long after Shinra came rushing in, excited and panicked.
“Shizuo, hurry up outside! He’s ready!” Shinra yelled not wanting to give too many details in his excitement.
The blonde rushed outside with Shinra and met Celty outside.
[His contractions are fifteen minutes. I tried to get here fast enough so when we get back it should be about ten] she typed as they got settled. Once Celty placed on their black helmets she peeled off quickly.
 It was pretty rough carrying the three of them, but the horse made good timing. When they entered the apartment, Izaya was on the table having contractions every five minutes now. Shinra and Celty began making preparations while Shizuo stood by his side, gripping his hand. Izaya squeezed back as he began having another contraction, and cried out.
“Dammit, Tsugaru, there’s no damn vagina to be pushed from!” he yelled loudly.
Shizuo and Shinra tried to contain their laughter, the teen rushing faster to set up the surgical table. Izaya continued to shout vulgar curses, rushing Shinra to move faster, or at least knock him out. Shinra rolled his eyes slipping on his gloves and picked up a syringe and clear liquid. Injecting it into Izaya, he waited a moment, telling the teen to take deep easy breaths. Izaya began doing so, feeling the pain slowly dwindle away while Shinra set up the curtain to begin operating. Izaya felt incredibly sleepy, but fought against it wanting to see his son before he passed out. Shizuo rubbed Izaya’s hand, wanting to sneak a peek on the other side of the curtain to see what Shinra was doing, but Izaya made him wait. They would see Tsugaru at the same time.
Hearing a small cry, Celty took the bloody child out of Shinra’s hands and began cleaning him off while Shinra began stitching Izaya up. The raven had closed his eyes for the time being, excited to see his child but too sleepy to move. Shizuo on the other hand tried to see what Celty was holding, curious as to what his child looked like. Shinra finished stitching Izaya, and took off his gloves moving over to where Celty was. Izaya lightly squeezed Shizuo’s hand and saw the look on his face, smiling in amusement.
The sudden change of curiosity to complete shock and adornment crossed Shizuo’s face as he pulled his hand out of Izaya’s to meet Shinra half way and hold their child. Shizuo eased his way carefully to Izaya’s side to show the sleepy man what had been inside him for nine months. Izaya stared at the child and smiled lightly.
“I told you Shizu-chan. He looks just like you.”
Shizuo cradled the child gently and rocked him. Celty and Shinra quietly slipped out to let the couple have their moment. Izaya marveled at the scene with a small smile, wanting to observe but was too sleepy to do so. Closing his eyes he heard Shizuo talk gently to the child.
“Hey Tsugaru. It’s nice to meet you. I’m your father. I know you’re sleep, but it’s nice to finally meet you.” Shizuo spoke. “We’re going to have lots of fun. When you get older you’ll experience a lot of things, like your mother and I did.”
Izaya groaned at his new title, and scrunched his face.
“And maybe you’ll have little brothers and sisters soon as well.”
“Isn’t it a bit too early to be suggesting that..?” Izaya mumbled with a smirk. “And who knows if I can give birth again.”
Shizuo looked over and smirked, looking back at his child. “Hopefully I can be around long enough to find out…” he said sadly.
Twenty minutes later, Celty wheeled in Tsugaru’s bed and told Shizuo to place him in it. Shinra wanted to see him. She sat in place of Shizuo while Izaya slept, and the blonde met him in a different room. Shinra sat in the chair a small smile on his face and gestured to a seat in front of him. Taking a seat Shizuo tilted his head in slight curiosity.
“I have created an antidote for you.” Shinra announced.
Shizuo smiled and sat back in his seat then regarded Shinra carefully. “Is something going to happen to Izaya if I take it?”
“Not at all, I made absolutely sure it won’t affect him. However I found some startling news.” Shinra said. “Izaya will be able to have children from now on.”
“Huh? So…Izaya can get pregnant again?” Shizuo asked incredulous.
“It would seem so, but I don’t think Izaya would be very happy to hear that…”
Shizuo chuckled as Shinra reached for a cotton swab and alcohol. Shinra cleaned and injected within Shizuo the antidote for the poison. He was instructed to come back in a few days for a cleansing and he would be poison free.
Indeed Izaya was very unhappy he could chance and get pregnant again, but didn’t mind it soon afterwards when he remembered Shizuo’s words. His only warning to the blonde was to start buying condoms from now on, until they wanted another child. Shinra chuckled when he mentioned there was a history of twins on Izaya’s side of the family, in which he received a hard glare and a pillow to the face.
Shizuo and Izaya proudly signed Tsugaru’s birth certificate, giving the young boy the full name of Tsugaru-Kaikyo Hiyu Geshiki Heiwajima. Shizuo mentioned that when he was released he wanted to show Tsugaru to his brother and mother. Izaya bit his lip and nodded solemnly. He was unsure if he wanted to introduce his son to his father, but at least wanted to show him to his younger siblings. At an impasse Izaya put it aside and focused on recovering.
Stepping into their apartment, Shizuo placed the many baby care items onto the coffee table while Izaya sat on the couch with a wide eyed Tsugaru. The child gazed up at his mother figure while the ravenette made soft cooing noises and touching his nose. Tsugaru would softly blink and smile a bit, looking every bit as cute like a baby should. Shizuo smiled at the moment and sat down next to them, Tsugaru’s blue eyes trailing to his dad’s and looked at him curiously. Izaya looked over as the two just stared, then when Shizuo broke into a grin, Tsugaru did too. Izaya rolled his eyes.
“You both have the same smile.” He teased. “I told you he looks just like you. Your greedy protozoan genes took over my baby.” He pouted.
“Well his hair is darker than my natural hair color at least, so that’s a win there.”
Indeed Tsugaru had a tuft of unruly dark brown hair on his head. He figured they would try dying it blonde once he got older. Then he would really look like his father. Shizuo kissed Izaya’s cheek and smiled.
“I promise the next one will look like you.”
“Wait until I get my diploma. Then we will see about having another child.” Izaya huffed. Izaya was thinking about going back to school when the fall semester starts up again. By then Tsugaru will be old enough to be cared by others. Shizuo insisted that while Izaya goes to school, he’ll stay home and watch him until he gets back, and he’ll go to work. Izaya partially didn’t like the sound of not being able to spend a lot of time with Shizuo again, but at least he won’t be lonely.
But Izaya wanted so that they went to school and worked the same hours so they’ll be home at night with Tsugaru, so he can be with both parents. Shizuo thought that a good idea as well.
“That way, even when I finish school, you can work day hours and I’ll be with Tsu-chan.” Izaya reasoned. Shizuo gave in to Izaya’s wishes.
Nightfall came, and after a day of feeding playing and cooking both Tsugaru and Izaya were wiped out. Shizuo put Tsugaru in his crib while Izaya went to prepare for bed. Shizuo still couldn’t believe that he helped in creating life. Rubbing the small boys head Shizuo made a silent oath that he would protect him with his strength. When he heard the bathroom door open he looked back to see Izaya walk up to him and lay a hand on his back.
“Now I know how a new mother feels. I never would have thought creating life would be painful and rewarding.” Izaya elbowed Shizuo. “You should try it.”
Shizuo scoffed. “No way. I wouldn’t look right. You have a much sexier feminine body than I do. I’d look awkward pregnant.”
Izaya blushed and laughed. “Yea I guess. Hurry and get ready for bed.”

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