Curtain Fall

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Izaya flipped through his collected files of his father’s company with a satisfied sigh, and closed it setting it aside. Now that he had all the information needed to take down his father, all he needed was for Shiki to come through on his part. The raven male sat back in the chair and closed his eyes. He could finally escape from his father’s tormented wrath and keep him out of his life.
“Izaya, I’m leaving! Can you get Tsugaru?”
Tiredly the male got up and walked to the kitchen where Shizuo was cleaning up the mess Tsugaru spit up from eating his baby food. With a small laugh, he kissed Shizuo’s cheek.
“Is feeding him that hard Shizu-chan? It looks like you two had a food fight.”
“Oh shut it.” Shizuo grumbled. “He spit out the carrots and ate the peaches. It looks like he likes sweets.”
Izaya nodded. “Well you have to go. I’ll bathe him and put him down for a nap.” He said then looked at Shizuo. “Don’t over exert yourself.”
“I’ll do my best.” Shizuo said giving Izaya a kiss. “I’ll see you later tonight.”
Izaya nodded and picked Tsugaru out his chair, retreating to the bathroom, as Shizuo left out the door. He descended down the stairs and walk casually to the station where he was meeting Tom. In his thoughts about what he was going to do for dinner he didn’t hear his name being called out. He sighed looking up for a while as he muttered about the possibility of going to Russian Sushi, but then figured he ate there too often and settled on a convenience store sandwich and some chips.
Shizuo turned with an annoyed grunt to a group of snickering men in suits, and growled lowly. They all held various weapons in hand, and stared menacingly at Shizuo, who didn’t falter one bit.
“We heard you recovered quickly from the last fight. Well we here to put you down for good.” One of the men boasted.
“You’re annoying…” Shizuo grumbled. “Shut up.”
“The boss will pay us big if we bag up your pretty little boyfriend too.” Another sneered.
“And the baby.”
Shizuo dived forward with a straight punch and knocked one man in the ground, then turned to the others, who had a look of terror. However greed overcame the fear and they all charged towards Shizuo weapons raised. Shizuo dodged one and tossed him aside, then ducked under another weapon and kneed the man in the gut. He elbowed the first guy in the face and threw him against two other guys. Four people came in their place, and two by two they ran up to Shizuo. The blonde kicked one in the face and brought it back down on another, and smashed the remaining two’s face in one another.
All eight men lay battered on the ground, groaning in pain while Shizuo walked on. He shook his hand a little and sighed. “Annoying punks.”
Sitting in his office, Sandaiyu Orihara turned off his desk light, bathing the room in the moon light and closed a folder containing documents on a Pharmaceutical ran by a middle class family named Yangiri. Figuring they were a lost cause, he tossed it aside on the desk. He sat back and looked out the window, gazing over the city, when he heard the whiny of a horse. Startled he got up and looked outside seeing nothing. Sighing he turned away from his window and met face to face with the mythical headless rider.
Pulling a scythe out her shadow, she prepped it for the kill when he bowed lowly.
“W-what have I done to make you mad?!”
Unable to answer, Celty lowered the scythe and began walking around. Locating paper and pencil she wrote something and flung the paper to him.
[Hand over any documents regarding the attack of Shizuo Heiwajima or face death by me hand.]
Sandaiyu gave Celty a surprised look only to find she had raised her scythe again, and her shadow was violently shifting. He yelped and pointed to a file cabinet. “T-there! The files are in there!”
Celty held her hand out, directing the shadow to wrap around the pencil and wrote something else on the paper.
[Kindly hand over those files and turn yourself in to the police. I have someone capable of running your business while you rot in prison.]
“You think taking me out will be that easy you monster?” Sandaiyu said with a smirk.
Celty nearly faltered, for a second she thought of Izaya flashing his signature smirk, but remembered he was the one who was hurting his dear family. As Sandaiyu tried to run, she swung her scythe, leaving him passed out onto the floor. She flipped out her phone, and sent Izaya a message, then waited for him and the police to pick him up.
Izaya and Shizuo looked over the files his father had planned against the family and he was charged with an account of aiding and abetting. Izaya was a bit upset his father wasn’t being put away for good, but at least long enough so he couldn’t take the company back from Izaya once he was done with it. Izaya agreed to take over the company since it was in the family line.
In the midst of it all, Shizuo let Izaya handle his business while he played with Tsugaru. He observed all the rooms, making small note that this huge office building could be used for much more. He found three unused rooms and was looking in the last one when Izaya poked his head in.
“Shizu-chan, let’s go.”
The blonde turned to Izaya and took one last look before frowning. “This place is huge. We could practically live here.”
Izaya walked in a little and observed. “Well my father had planned to move us here once, which is why he bought this building as his office, but we eventually ended up keeping all of our things in Ikebukuro, while he worked in Shinjuku.”
“I see. Maybe we should do that. There’s a lot of room to raise a pretty big family.”
“Just how many kids do you want Shizu-chan? So greedy…” Izaya scoffed blushing.
“Maybe three more?” Shizuo asked sheepishly, in which he received a glare from Izaya.
The raven sighed and rolled his eyes. “If I have twins, we can go for one more. However, if I am not having three more children cut out of me after getting pregnant three more times.”
Shizuo smiled. “I can live with that.” He said and looked at Tsugaru. “What about you? Should mommy and daddy try for another kid?”
Izaya shook his head. “I said wait until I graduate, dummy.” He said with a smile. “Then Tsugaru can wait for another sibling. Come on, let’s go home.”

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