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As soon as Ashton pulls into Luke's driveway,both, Luke and I, get out and I follow him to the front door. "So you decided to come with me?" he questioned, having a slight happy tone in his voice. 

"Where else would I have gone?" 

"True" the happy tone vanishes. 

He unlocks the door and we both step in, he closes the door. 

"My room is that way" he points up the stairs. 

"Okay" I walk up the stairs and wait for Luke to take the lead. When he opened one of the doors, we both stepped in and he shut the door. 

"You can sleep on the bed" he says, taking his shoes off and tossing them across the room. 

"Thanks.. aren't you worried about waking anyone?" 

"No" he chuckles. "They're all  pretty heavy sleepers" 

"Oh" I laugh. 

He opens his dresser drawers and throws me a big band t-shirt. "Those clothes don't look to comfortable, so you can sleep in that" 

"thanks" I begin to get undressed and put his t-shirt on. It wasn't until I was putting my hair in a bun and I looked up that I realized he had been staring at me. 

I bit the inside of my cheek and sat down on his bed. 

He was still staring at me while he quickly pulled his lip ring between his teeth, raised his eyebrows, turned around, and let out a breath. 

"It's not like you haven't seen me like this before.." I say, mentioning the night he and Ash dared me to take my clothes off. 

"Yeah, but it still amazes me" 

"what does?"

"your body.. you.. everything about you.."

"What do you mean?"

"You're amazing Hayden, you're beautiful and great but you're so clueless to the things going on around you.. it amazes me" he shrugs, taking his pants off and leaving them on the floor. 

"You keep saying I'm clueless.."

"Because you are" he snickers, walking over to the bed and standing in front of me. While he stared at me, he bit his lip and looked almost distant, like he was having a conversation of his own in his head. 

"You think too much" I say.

"It's better than not thinking at all" he shrugs, sitting next to me. 

"Depends.. I think over thinking something is worse than not thinking something through. Because if you over think, you lose your chance.. when not thinking helps you take the opportunity that you may not get later on"

"True" he nods. "But when you over think you get to debate both sides and all scenarios where when you don't think at all you only consider one scenario and get shut down" 

"I guess.. but that doesn't happen with everything"

"With most things" he looks at me once more before rolling over to the other side of the bed and tucking himself under the covers. 

I look at him with an eyebrow raised. 

"What?" he chuckles. 

"I thought I was sleeping in the bed.."

"We can't both sleep in the bed?"

"No" I laugh. 


"Because I have a very jealous boyfriend that happens to not like you very much" I scooch him out of the bed and he groans. 

"Fine, but you only get one of the pillows, and I get the blanket"

"If you get the blanket, what do I have to keep warm?"

"The sheet" he shrugs, smirking and making a bed on the floor.

"That doesn't seem very fair, Hemmings"

"Life isn't very fair, Johnson" 

"You know.. the first day I met you.. you knew my whole name and my parents' names. How?"

He shrugs.

"That's not an answer, Luke. I need to know.."


"Because! What if you're some creepy stalker dude and I'm willingly sleeping in the same room as you.."

"I'm not a creepy stalker" he chuckles.

"Then how did you know all that stuff"

"Ash told me" he shrugs.

"Why would he tell you that?"

"I don't know" 

"and how did you even remember it?"

"I don't know"

"You're confusing as hell. I hope you know that"

"It's my specialty" he smirks. 

"Whatever. Goodnight"




I guess he couldn't sleep either..


"I apologize." 


"Being a jerk about Michael"

"It's fine.."

"I think it's cool that you didn't call him.."


"Because it makes you one of those girls who have a boyfriend but don't need them. I think it's cool that you're independent"

"Oh. Ok. Thanks.?"

"..okay. Uhm.. Goodnight"

I laugh. "Goodnight, Hemmo" 

"Hemmo?" he asks.

"Short for Hemmings.. I don't know. I just didn't want to say your whole last name" 

"I like it" he chuckles. "Hemmo"  

I laugh. "Goodnight, Luke" 


I had finally fallen asleep, but it was getting a bit warm,, which was weird since I only had a sheet to keep me warm. I opened my eyes and saw that Luke had put the blanket over me. 

I looked at his floor bed, but he wasn't there. That was weird.. 

Where did he go?

Out of the corner of my eye I saw him laying next to me in the bed. 

I silently laughed.

He twitched and rolled towards me. 

I decided to leave him alone. It would be rude to wake him and make him go back to the floor. He was probably incredibly uncomfortable on the floor.  

I closed my eyes and rolled on my side, facing away from Luke. 

Just as I was about to fall back asleep, his arms snaked around me and pulled me close to his chest. I tried to squirm out of his arms but even in his sleep he was stronger than me. But that's not really impressive because I have close to no strength. I stopped trying to escape and embraced his warmth which helped me fall asleep. 

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