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"so where did you live before?" i ask trying to break the awkward silence that has been a wall between me and luke for the past ten minutes. "ash told me you just moved here"

"yeh. i used to live in Austalia" he said.

i do a mental facepalm. "of course you are. your accent totally gave it away.. i guess i'm just so used to the other guy's accents that i forgot where they used to live" i ramble.

this kid makes me nervouse for some reason. like he could kidnap me at any moment nervous.

he chuckles. "yeh" 

i nod awkwardly and look out the window. we were passing all of the rich people's houses.. like mine. mine is just down the street.

i have to say.. i don't like being rich. people have a sterotype about me because of it. like i'm not rich, my parents are. i actually don't see the point of having a big new house when there's only four of us. me, my older sister Skyler (she's 19, only three years older than me), my mom Janice and my father Bruce. i used to be convinsed he was batman when i was little. i also have an older brother, Jack. he's 23 and currently at college. he comes to visit every now and then.. but not very often.

we have a two story house with seven bedrooms, five bathrooms, three living rooms, a huge kitchen, a garage, basement, attic, hugs backyard with a basketball/ volleyball court, a small-ish grass field that is cut off by a fence but connected to green plains that run for miles. 

i don't like my house. it's too big and bulky and new and attention striking for my taste. i want a small cottage in the middle of nowhere and nothing but grass and flowers and trees for miles and miles. 

i know it sounds ironic and pathetic but it's all true. i want to be a little farm girl.. but instead i'm stuck with snobby rich parents who hold a 'reputation' and supposovely i need to fulfill it. 

it's so stressfull. i want to be a musician and a professional tumbler and a photographer... but they want me to go to law school and make big money.

i barely pay attention when luke turns up the volume on the radio. 

 i was surprised at his choice of music. he looks scary and like he would listen to like screamo or somthing like that but instead he listens to 'Green Day'

I start to hum along and I feel his eyes on me. "you listen to them?" he says with what sounded like shock.

"Yeah. I haven't heard them on the radio in forever!"

he laughs. "I know right!"

I look over at him and find myself lost in his smile. how could someone appear so scary.. but be so adorable?

he started singing with them and it was my turn to be shocked. his voice was amazing. it was the perfect balance. sometimes being high, low and sometimes a little rasp comes out.

I get in the flow and start singing too. he looks over at me and I do everything in me to not look back.

the song soon ends and I quietly sigh, knowing he parked in front of my house.

I just sit there for a while, looking down at my shoes. them becoming very interesting all of a sudden.

"well.. are you just going to sit here?" Luke speaks up.

"do you mind?" I ask.

"uh.. I guess not. but I kind of have to get home.."

"of course.. I just.. "I sigh. "I really don't want to go in there"


"look.. no offense or anything but I just just met you and I'm not going to tell you my life story.. but I will tell you that I do not belong in there" I nodded towards the huge house I absolutely despise.

"sure you do. you're Hayden Marie Johnson. your parents are  Janice and Bruce Johnson. you were meant to be where you are"

"but then why do I feel so out of place?"

"i can't answer that for you, Johnson. you'll just have to find that out for yourself" 

it was almost as if he was shoving me out of the car. he didn't lay a finger on me, but just by the look on his face i could tell he wanted me out of the car.

i puffed air our of my mouth sending my side bangs out of my right eye. hopping out of the car, he barely even let me shut the door before he sped off down he street. 

"well bye to you too" i say quietly puffing out more air and walking towards my front door already metally preparing myself for the educated talk my parents will give me for hanging out with ash again. 

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