ughh pk academy | chapter 1

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Tw// Cursing, Transphobia in parents (misgendering, deadnaming), Deadname, all characters from Saiki k., Death mentions, Caps, alarm clocks?, anxiety, feminine nicknames, food mentions (including e*ting)

oh and you have all the psychic powers he does besides the shapeshifting and you can turn your powers on and off besides mind-reading although you can dull it by keeping it in a smaller radius. 

'thoughts' "speaking"  

lowercase intended and gramatical errors intended

your pov 

BEEP BEEP BEEP ugh i get it i get it. I turn off the alarm so i don't die from annoyance. "Sweetie come down here" i hear my mom scream, she doesn't even need to scream i can read her mind ughh. whatever. "Sweetie just a reminder we won't be back for a month or 2 alright? Make sure you're safe i have all the numbers you need to have on the door bye my beautiful daughter."

Again really?

the daughter thing again

she says shes fine with me wearing masculine and saying I'm a trans man and she said she supports me but this i don't get it? well its not like i can tell her this because the last time she did she started bawling telling me it seems like you don't think i love you blah blah blah all that bullshit. 

whatever i know I'm not supported by them luckily i have a binder from my own money and i got hormone blockers when my parents decided to move to a different country and didn't tell me at the time?? 

my parents are weird


"Yeah mom i'll get going too, i'll call you when i get home from Pk academy" 

They left. 


i put on my binder, put a sports bra in my bag and made sure the school got my email to change my gender and name on the forms. 

i also made sure that my PE teacher knows i gotta change in the fucking bathrooms. 

i left the house and locked the door.

i started walking to the school that i didnt really want to go to 


'i bumped into someone shit shit shit shit- pink hair nice i mean my hair is (h/c) so its kinda boring'

"um sorry-"

'yare yare you are such an idiot' 

'what the fuck dude im just trying to apologize?'  

'yare yare i cant deal with another idio- wait. what why did he hear what i said? im speaking in my mind' 

'um how do you know i was reading your mind??' 

'jesus christ we're both psychics?' 

'um wanna stick together?' 

'why youre annoying i hate being a psychic its a curse.' 

'what its great wdym? it helps me hide a lot of things actually- oh shit. OH YOU'RE PROBABLY STRAIGHT AND CIS THAT'S WHY OHHH MY BAD MY BAD YOU'RE GOOD' 

'can you stop screaming whatever, second of all I'm not even attracted to women either way and third of all I'm technically not cis but whatever'

'HOld on wdym TeCHniCaLLy and are you aroace-?' 

'well i was born a girl and changed my gender with psychic powers Oh my god why the fuck am i telling you this and um i know what it is but um ill get back to you on that-' 

Saiki pov

i mean he's cute but like I'm not gay- right? I'm aroace yeah right- i mean I'm trusting him right off the bat yare yare what am i doing. whatever we'll figure this out soon enough- 

your pov

'ah man shapeshifting lucky oh wait um here i'll give you my number lets talk soon you're chill i like you' 

he gave me his number back

i like him platonically at least 

for now 

he started blushing HA that's cute and gay ha

time skip :] (little fact I've been simping for saiki for over 2 years wtf is wrong with me) 

now i have to go introduce myself to a classroom oh hey um whats his name I NEVER ASKED FOR HIS NAME WHAT 

i waved at him anyways he blushed cute he didn't wave back but he got his friends mad i think they started screaming "HEY WHY DIDNT YOU RESPOND TO THAT KID HE LOOKS NICE PLUS WE SAW YOU WALK WITH HIM" and "MY BEST BUDDY SHOULDVE SAID HI BACK" 

well I'm fucking uncomfortable now

oh well

I'm writing my name on the board wow so original

"hi my names (y/n) (l/n) call me (n/n) I'm new here well at least to this school pronouns are he/him btw" 

i smiled at them no transphobes so far nice

the teacher started talking nothing i didn't know i know everything ughhhh

it was lunch cool 

i sat with the pink-haired dude and his friends i asked him about his friends but he said

'theyre not my friends.' 

"hey dude whats your name you never told me?" 

"kusuo saiki happy now?"

'hey why do you think these powers are such a curse?' 

'... im not telling you now go bother someone else' he got really mad damn

well anyways 

classes were just a blur after that

i texted him when i got home before i called my mom

hey sorry about getting so personal earlier anyways bye - your fellow psychic p.s. make that my contact name :] 


they called me first huh weird

"hey mom hey dad my first day of school was good but i have some homework to do ill call you after i eat dinner-" 

"c'mon sweetie please?" my dad faintly said 'why are you saying please' and my mom simply replied with well she says she has to go do homework. let her it was her first day of school at a new place my dad replied my mom agreed and hung up but before that she made sure that i would eat my Gallo pinto and not order pizza like a gringo i laughed 

(also i mean gringo as a joke gringo just means white person) 

i opened up notes well i confused notes with messages like a fucking idiot 


message sent. 


message read. 

saiki the pink haired bitch is typing.... 

"well shit might as well eat."

ayo!! sam here :] 

well that's the first chapter

it was just recently my birthday my hiatus is done but my mental health is shitty anyway so it might take awhile plus thank you for all the love on my past story it makes me so happy /gen

(DISCONTINUED) 2 psychics, what could go wrong?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ