well, he knows im trans now? | chapter 2

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tw// e*ting, cursing, guilt tripping, parents being distant, brief mentions of s*cidal thoughts, vulnerability,  venting 

saiki the pink haired bitch is typing... 

i started eating my food and well started panicking because FUCK anyways wooooo whatever i'll survive. 

Saiki the pink haired bitch: well your parents sound like shitty people istg if you tell anyone this you're screwed whatever look you're a dude I promise you're the most valid guy ever ok plus you're really handsome and um you pass if that really matters to you um do you want to vent or rant or anything? 


well um you really think-  that um fuck why am I being vulnerable

but I guess um I was just told to suck it up they've guilt tripped me a  l o t  like a ridiculous amount of times meh whatever anyways basically to sum it up I have so much dysphoria they're really distant with being away all the time 

they never really told me if they were proud of me or not and they don't care about me caused so many of my mental health problems including yk those ones 

anyway I just want to be seen only as a guy not a trans guy or a gay guy I love being a psychic just cuz of that no one knows no one has to know its stupid but its helped me a lot and meeting you it felt like I could just enjoy it with you but you hate them so whatever its not like I could ever tell anyone besides you

 but thanks for letting me rant I have no people to do this to besides my best friend and she doesn't know how to respond to my vents i mean neither do you what am I doing I just want someone to hang out with right now :[  

aw c'mon im sobbing into my food ew 


saiki the pink haired bitch is typing... 

well actually you technically do have people to talk about your psychic powers they go to the school they're very proud and use their powers too much here are there numbers

********* - Aiura Mikoto 

be careful around this guy ******** - Toritsuka Reita 

anyway you're a guy I just perceive you as a guy 

and second of all your parents are asses don't listen to them

and yeah idk how to help so those are my opinions 

and we can hang out tomorrow if you don't bring any of this up and don't tell any of the others I hate them they're not my friends 

whatever now go get new food and we can go out for coffee jelly tomorrow. 


alright thanks that actually did help


well t hen hahaahahah vulnerability bitches !! anyways hey sorry this was short but whatever alright bye !! also this wasn't proofread or anything and um sorry about this one it was rushed

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