Learning More About Aki/Akio~!

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So, uh, you may be wondering these specific questions:

Who is Akio?

What does Akio have to do with the story?

Why is she so important?

and so on, because I'm not about to type 1000 more questions, fuck that-

Anyway, your questions will be answered here! I also drew a picture of Akio too!


You also may be wondering, what the fuck is this picture?

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You also may be wondering, what the fuck is this picture?


Why is this picture so cringy? I can't answer that question, because I don't know the answer myself-

And the story begins~! There's not going to be crack in here..(well maybe a little crack-) but most of it is going to be really serious.

So, uh, prepare to cry! (no wait actually don't cr-)

let me just get started before you all stop reading-

Ahem. It all begins at Akio's house. She had black hair, back then. As you can see in the picture. (she dyed her hair green now) As you saw in the prologue (i really need to rewrite the prologue it was so cringy-), her mom is very abusive towards her. Why? Because rich people think they're all that.  Anyway, she had a friend. It wasn't Mikado. And..I really don't know what to name this friend, since he ain't going to be relevant to the story at all, so let's just name him shithead. (you'll see why in a few minutes-) She went to school, she tried to cover up all the bruises her mom gave her, but it didn't cover all of them, because her mom gave her a whole lot of bruises. The "friend" saw them and offered to be her friend. He looked ugly, and she didn't really want to be his friend, but she had no friends, so she took that dirty hand and they started becoming friends.


But lookie here, that boy was using her. But as it says in the title, she was a naive bitch, and she  didn't know that. The boy found out her mom was abusing her, and said in his head, "yes s u f f e r-"

-ok i need to stop-

Wait, i forgot to explain this. The mom wouldn't let Akio go anywhere without her permission, so the only way she could get out of the house was to go at night, and climb outta the window. So, at night, they talked and talked. Then, one day, she felt sneaky. And started sneaking up on that shithead, and saw that he was with the mom. He told the mom that she had been going out at night without her permission. She wanted to cry, but her mom would hear her, so she just decided to run away and cry somewhere else. She cried for hours, was starving a lot, and just hoped someone would come. Just anybody would come. She was getting tired of waiting, so just banged her head on the tree, until that wizass came. He asked her, what happened, and she told him everything her mom did to her, what her fake friend did, and the result. Mik was shocked at first, then threatened to kill the mom and the fake friend. Akio pleaded him to not, because she still believed they could change. 


He gave up, and then offered to be friends. Akio didn't know whether to accept it or not, because what if she gets betrayed again? But seeing that smile on his face, she felt like he was different from the others. So, she accepts his offer to be friends. And so, they begin hanging out every day, and it comes out that they have a lot of common. They like the same shows and other things. 


Her mom founds out she has been hanging out with Mik, and wanting to ruin this girl's life, she finds Aki and forces her to come back into the house. Seeing that she was refusing, the mom put a poison needle (idk what to call it, but it's a needle and there's poison inside-) and injects it into her neck. Okay, now it's really getting spicy. The needle forced her to kill a lotta people, that's how she got that 1000 kill count. She didn't want to do it, it felt like someone was controlling her and she was moving on her own. Mik really wanted to kill her mom, but if he did, then Aki would be mad at him, and he was afraid that she wouldn't want to be friends with him anymore. But he still gave that bitch the death glare every time he saw her.  And to be honest, the real reason why Mik put Aki into the killing game was to escape from her mom. And for d e s p a i r. And here we are now! Sorry if it wasn't as sad as you thought it was, I literally couldn't think of anything good-



Someone: "What do you listen to??"

Me: "Kiku Atsuko."

Someone: "Who the fuck is that-"

-insert code of fear playing-  

Word Count: 890

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