YOUR WHAT?!?!?!?!

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Hi, Minna!!! Request a truth or dare to make it more fun!


Me: Welcome back, Minna.

Everyone: HI SILVER-SAN!!!!!

Me: Today, I'm going to explain the rules. First off, Mira and I are the hosts. *Evil Smile* But also we have a another host!

Mira: We do?

Me: Yes we do! Everyone welcome, the person that went missing 10 years ago, My BROTHER!!

Everyone: YOUR WHAT?!?!?!?!

Me: Yep, my little bro has come back!!

Lucy: Wait, did you say he went missing 10 years ago?!?!

Me: Why yes, Lucy, I did.

Lucy: Was he kidnapped, was he supposed to be dead, WHAT HAPPENED!!!

Me: Well, he was always good at hiding, and one day he just missing at the age of 6. It's sad, that the only person in my family that cared he was gone, was me. About a month ago, he tried to pickpocket me. Not knowing it was me, he tried, but I caught him while he was doing it; I'm the only one who could ever notice him. After he recognized my name, we have been catching up!

All The Girls: Awwww. That's so sweet.

Me: Well anyway, here's my brother. *motions to right next to me* This is Varient.

Varient: *Is just standing there* H-HI. *looks at floor*

Everyone: *finally notices him* HOW LONG HAS HE BEEN THERE!!

Me: The whole time.

Everyone: WHAT!?

Me: Well everyone we need to get back to the rules. So, as i said,  there will be three hosts; Me, Mira, and Varient.Us three will be asking you truths and dares. If you don't do it then you'll have to face my punishment. *Has Evil Aura* Hehe. There will be other games we do, and also I'll have a special Bonus Round! I'll explain what that is when we have one!

Mira: OK, lets start this round! I'll ask first! Hmmmm...........Erza! Truth or Dare?

Erza: Dare. *eats cake*

Mira: I dare you to go over to Jellal and Kiss him! On the lips! For 30 seconds*

Erza: Ok. *has small blush*

Jellal: Wait, what?

Erza: *kisses Jellal for 35 seconds* *breaks away and sits down next to him*

Jellal: Uhhhh....... *blushing*

Me: Ok moving on! Next one is for Gray! Truth or Dare?

Gray: Dare.

Me: I dare you to *whispers in his ear*


Me: Just do it!

Gray: Whatever. *gets up and walks over to Lucy*

Juvia: Love rival...

Gray: Lucy, your weak. All your celestial spirits are dumb. You are fat and ugly. I mean come on even if you do get all of the golden gate keys, your still weak. Your bringing down the team. Your celestial spirits are lame and weird. Why are you even still in Fairy Tail. The only reason your alive still is Natsu always saving you.

Everyone but Lucy: *Gasps*

Lucy: *stands up* Gray.... *Slaps him in the face and then grabs his hair and throws him to the side*

Me: *Whispers* Perfect... *evil smile*

Everyone: *watches*

Lucy: *sits back down and acts as if nothing happened*

Me: Well thats all we have for today, We'll be back!! Lucy please do the Disclaimer.

Lucy: OK, Silver-san doesn't own Fairy Tail, even though she wishes she did.

Me: Arigato, Lucy. BYE!!!!


Send in truths and dares for Fairy Tail!

                                        ~ Silver

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