Chapter 9

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Hi, Minna! I really don't have an excuse for not updating... So I will just apologize. Sorry! Here have some cookies! *Throws cookies at you*

And thanks to those who gave dares!


Me: Lets get back to the game!

Mira: I'm back!

Me: Where did you go?

Mira: I just went to get more dares and truths from people.

Me: Okay. So whose the first one for?

Mira: The first one is for Juvia! Its a dare!

Juvia: Juvia is ready!

Mira: Okay, you have to French kiss Lyon for ten seconds while Gray watches!

Juvia & Gray: What!

Lyon: My beloved princess! *Runs in slow motion towards Juvia*

Juvia: *hides behind Gray*

Me: Juvia! You have to!

Juvia: Juvia doesn't want to be mean to Lyon-kun, but Juvia will only kiss her Gray-Sama.

Mira: It's just one kiss!

Juvia: Juvia doesn't want to!

Me: Fine than you can face the punishment!

Juvia: ...Juvia will do the dare... Gray-Sama, This means nothing; Juvia still only loves you!

Lyon & Juvia: *Moves closer* *French Kisses*

Gray: *Turns away in disgust*

Me: Times up!

Juvia: *tries to pull away, but Lyon pulls her back*

Gray: *sees this happen* Hey Bastard! Let her go!

Lyon: *ignores*

Gray: *punches him in the gut* *grabs Juvia and puts arms around her protectively* You okay?

Juvia: *Nods, and holds onto his shirt*

Me & Mira: Kawaii!

Mira: Okay, time for the next one. This is a dare for Levy!

Levy: Um, okay...

Mira: You have to sit in Gajeel's lap and every round you two have to kiss!

Me: I love this dare!

Mira: Me too!

Levy: O-Okay... *sits in Gajeel's lap with a bright red face*

Gajeel: *Turns Levy towards himself and kisses her* That's one round done. *Smirks*

Levy: *looks up in shock with an even redder face*

Gajeel: Gihi

Mira: Okay, next dare is for Natsu to kiss Lucy!

Lucy: Wh-What!

Natsu: Okay.*kisses Lucy on the lips for a couple of seconds*

Lucy: *Red face*

Levy & Gajeel: *kiss*

Mira: The next dare is for Wendy and Romeo to make-out!

Wendy: Um...

Romeo: Uh...

Me: C'mon kiss already!

Mira: *pushes them together putting Romeo's hands on Wendy's waist and Wendy's arms around his neck*

Wendy & Romeo: *Leans in* *kisses*

All the girls: KAWAII!!

Wendy & Romeo: *Breaks apart from lack of oxygen*

All the girls: *Takes Wendy and starts asking questions*

All the guys: *patting Romeo on the back and giving older brother 'if you hurt her your dead' talks*

Mira: Okay everyone calm down!

Me: *Still fangirling*

Mira: So the next dare is for Lucy to confess her feelings for Natsu! As in she has to say she loves him!

Lucy: Uh... Natsu....

Natsu: Yeah, Luce?

Lucy: I-I'm in l-love with y-you.... *blushing like crazy*

Natsu: ....

Lucy: *looks away*

Natsu: Cool.

Lucy: What?

Natsu: I said 'cool' weren't you listening?


Natsu: Whoa, calm down, Luce.

Lucy: Why! I just confessed to you and all you say about my feelings is 'cool.'

Natsu: Well, with how smart you are I thought you would already know how I feel about you...

Lucy: How do you feel?...

Natsu: *Blushing* Well, I love you...

Mira and I: *fangirling in the background*

Lucy: *can't speak* Uh.. Umm....

Me: * 'trips' and pushes Natsu into Lucy*

Natsu: *falls onto Lucy, 'accidently' kissing her*

Me: *grins*

Mira: *takes pictures*

Gajeel and Levy: *kisses*

Me: Lets end this on a good note. Someone do the disclaimer!

Mira: Silver doesn't own anything!

Natsu and Lucy: *still kissing*


Okay! Thanks for reading! Please comment dares or truths for Fairy Tail! Remember they can be for anyone on the show.


Fairy Tail ~Truth OR Dare~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant