Year 1 - Chapter 2

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Oh my gosh guys! Thank you so much for your super kind comments on the last chapter. I was thinking that I'd go to bed early tonight and then make the next chapter tomorrow but, y'all are making me want to post another tonight so here we go! :D

The first time every wizard got a glance of Hogwarts, spare no one, they all gawked and couldn't take their eyes away from it's glory. It was no exception for Harry. Once they stepped foot into the clearing at the shoreline of the lake, the beauty that was their new school, stood before them. Harry tried his best to hide his surprise, but he couldn't stop his eyes from widening with awe. 

"Have you really never seen Hogwarts before?" Draco asks. 

"Never... have you?" He looks over at the boy sitting next to him who goes on to tell him about how his father had him join him for a visit to Dumbledore over the summer, with whom he wanted to discuss Draco's living arrangements. "'Only the best for my son,' he said. Us Malfoys are very important you know." The blonde continues to explain. His eyes held a strong look of pride as he grins towards Harry. The raven haired boy nods even though he didn't quite understand it. It was strange for him to see someone so passionate about something. Harry himself, had never had reason to treasure an idea or a memory, because his relatives basically never let him think for himself. His face darkens as he remembers his relatives, and Draco looks over at his face with a hint of concern. 

"Something bothering you?"

"I was just thinking about something." Harry brushes off the question and lets his face assume his usual blank stare. They climb into a boat, Harry, Ron, Draco, and Crabbe. There wasn't any space left for Goyle, so Draco just told him to find another boat for himself. The boats glide along seamlessly and their boat stayed silent throughout the whole trip. As their boats drift through the ivy curtain and bump along the shoreline, Harry gets out quickly and holds out both hands for Draco and Ron to grab for a boost up. They walk through that large passageway in a close group. In the front was Harry to the left, Draco in the middle, and Ron to the right, and behind them Crabbe and Goyle were walking side by side. 

After Hagrid knocks on the large door, it swings open, revealing a tall, stern looking witch with emerald green robes. Hagrid introduces her as Professor McGonagall, and she leads them into an entrance hall. They followed her to an empty chamberlike hall. They all crowded in and nervously avoided contact with others as she explains the different houses and all those little details about life at Hogwarts. When her explanations ceased, she left them to wait until she called them into the Great Hall. 

The boys wonder amongst themselves what the sorting ceremony will be. Ron suggested the thought that it might be some dangerous test, which didn't help Harry at all with the anxiety that was already building. 

He heard some people scream, and he flinches, instinctively turning towards the alarming sound and seeing what it was about. There were ghosts. He didn't know that such a thing was possible, but the proof was right in front of him. Nearly twenty pearly white, transparent ghosts had floated through the wall and were arguing amongst themselves. Harry caught them saying the word Peeves, but he didn't listen any further, because he really couldn't bring himself to care about their affairs. One of the ghosts finally noticed them and asked what they were doing there. Harry couldn't help but roll his eyes, it was obvious what they were doing there wasn't it? Was the ghost just acting dumb, or are they actually dumb? The ghost goes on saying something about joining huffsnuff or something.

"Hufflepuff is just a house of sissies." Draco whispers in Harry's ear. "I would drown myself in that lake out there if I was placed in it." (A/N Pls don't hate me for this T^T! I, myself am a Hufflepuff) Harry laughs a bit crudely and grins at Draco.

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