Year 1 - Chapter 3

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Sorry I haven't updated for a bit, I've had a rarely busy past few days.

"There, look."


"Next to the tall kid with the red hair."

"Wearing the glasses?"

"Did you see his face?"

"Did you see his scar?"

"It's too bad he's wearing those ugly Slytherin robes."

No matter how much he, Draco and Ron glared them off, the whispers followed Harry everywhere. People would try to sneak peeks of him during his classes, whenever he passed in the corridors. Their stares bore into the back of his head and he had never felt more irritated in his life; even with the Dursleys. They had never gawked at him and they at least left him alone sometimes. At this point, he felt like a zoo animal, and none of this ever helped him when he was trying to concentrate on finding classes.

There was a considerately numerable amount of stairs; many of which, are hard to navigate; and some even changed their location of destination. Then, there were some doors that require you to interact with it before it would let you through, not to mention the doors that aren't actually doors, but solid wall pretending to be doors. Another thing that didn't help one bit was the fact that some of the people inside portraits liked to go and visit neighboring portraits. 

The worst of all was a poltergeist named Peeves. If you ran into him on your way to class, there was a 100% guarantee that you would be late to class. There was also someone- that Draco calls a filthy squib- named Argus Filtch. He's the caretaker. Apparently, he doesn't use magic, so why is he even allowed at Hogwarts? Anyway, pretty much anything you do around him is considered out of line, so the boys just avoid him at all cost. Filtch also has a cat named Mrs. Norris, and the boys all agreed that she would look cute if she were kicked across the quidditch pitch.

Even though it was only the beginning of his first year at Hogwarts, Harry found that his classes were already quite difficult. It wasn't all about magic as well, he had one class that required him to look through a telescope and study the movement of the planets. There was another class where he had to go to a greenhouse and learn about different plants and fungi and how to take care of it all. The worst of all was his History of Magic class. His teacher- Professor Binns- was a ghost who would drone on and on, making it difficult for any of his students to stay awake. If it wasn't for the fear of not learning anything and failing the class, kids would've just used it as a time to catch up on rest. 

A good amount of Harry's teachers got excited when they had him in class except a fair few. McGonagall was one that didn't bat an eye when the so-called, "chosen one" was in her presence. She is strict and clever, and nearly gave them a fit of anxiety when she started on her whole speech of what was to be expected of them in her class. She then demonstrates transfiguration- bringing everyone's hopes up- only to nail them down with a pile of notes. Then finally at the end, she gave them a match and instructed them to turn it to a needle. 

Try after try, nearly everyone was struggling. Then they hear a boasted, "Now, that was easy." 

Outraged and frustrated faces turn towards a pompous looking Hermione who had shot up from her seat and was looking around condescendingly at all her classmates, spare a few. 

"Ms. Granger, if you'd please sit down. If you are to finish before your classmates, you may accept it as a win, but I must ask you to accept it with grace." Hermione plops into her seat and grins at the teacher. 

"Yes, Professor." She says innocently and obediently.

McGonagall turns away, pleased at having been able to teach a talented student, who was currently sticking her tongue out at her from behind her back. 

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