Craziest Adventure

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lookatmeh5 asks: "what is one of your craziest adventures NOT in the show"

Uh, well, that's kind of a ling story.

It was after we left the old cave we had the dance party in. I wanted to do something fun with everyone. But, Aang was meditating, and my brother was doing something else. So, I asked Toph if we could go somewhere.

"The last time you took me to do something, I came back covered in makeup and smelling like a girl." She told me.

Then an idea came into my mind, maybe we could go to a Fire Nation bar. I mean, they do have steak, and Toph likes meat, so we went there. Went we got to the bar, the man in the front told the two of us that we couldn't go in, because we were girls.

So, Toph suggested that we go as boys. I put up my hair, and Toph did hers differently, and we went back.

I'm just going to say this: I got pretty aggressive in there. Some boy called me "shrimp", so I threatened to mop the floor with his face. We did lots of other things, too, and Toph figured that it was getting a little too out of control, so she grabbed me and we left.

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