Zuko's Mom

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lookatmeh5 asks: "okay so this is pretty much based off of wolfieisepic5s question
what HAPPENED to zukos mom???"

Okay... another long story...

Back before Ursa knew Ozai, she was an actress and had a boyfriend, a man named Ikem. When they were rehearsing for a show, Ikem asked Ursa if she would marry him. She said yes, and excitedly went home. When she arrived, Fire Lord Azulon was there with his son, Fire Prince Ozai. Ozai told her that she was the prettiest woman ever, and that he was going to marry her. This surprised her, because Ikem had just asked to marry her.

Years later, Ozai had found out she was sending secret letters to Ikem, and sent an assassin to go kill him. He confronted Ursa about it, and made a deal with her. In order to spare Zuko's life, as explained when I answered WolfieIsEpic5's question, she had to make a potion and leave the Fire Nation. When she left, she went to go find Ikem, where she met a man that took her for dinner. While he was talking to her, he said her name. She was certain that she hadn't introduced herself, so the man confessed. He was Ikem. He explained everything to her: why he looked so different, and how he felt when she left. They then decided to go live in the Forgetful Forest. They lived happily together, until one night, when there was a giant wolf spirit drinking water from the pond they lived near. That's when Ursa changed her life.

When the wolf spirit drinks from one of the ponds, the spirit The Mother Of Faces will come. Whoever is near that pond will be able to change their face, and maybe even their memory, so that's what Ursa did. When we found her, she was living with Ikem and a young girl, which was her daughter. She couldn't remember her life with Ozai, because she chose to forget it. Azula went a little crazy, then Aang appeared with The Mother Of Faces and Ursa got her old life back.

Admin: This is all true. Go to YouTube and look for "Avatar: The Last Airbender The Search"

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