Chapter 8

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"What happened to being lowkey" asked Tomura who had a go at you as soon as you came back.

You now sat in front of him, Dabi next to you, playing with little flames on his fingers.

"Wow not even a thank you?" you said sarcastically, rolling your eyes, "we got what you wanted didn't we?"

"I'm gonna have to agree on her with this one even though she pissed me off" said Dabi with a smirk, blowing one of the blue flames out as if it was a candle, a row of smoke dancing and disappearing in the air.

Tomura frowned annoyed at both of you but let it go soon enough.

"What where those chemicals even for?" You asked curiously, playing with one of your knives.

Shigaraki gave you a quick up and down glance, as if he was analysing you.

"Oh come on are you seriously not gonna tell me? I literally killed a man I think that qualifies me as a villain" you added, slumping back into your chair.

"Fine" hissed Tomura, scratching his neck, "we need them to create Nomus"

You had seen those creatures before, they had appeared in an area of the city a while back and some pro heroes from the headquarters you trained at were sent to save the people around.

You let out a low curious "mmh", before your lips curled upwards.

"So now that I'm officially in your little gang... when do I get my own room?" You asked excited,

"Does this look like a fucking college dorm to you?" Replied Dabi, trying to irritare you for no reason. You simply ignored him, giving him the middle finger and turned to shigaraki, awaiting his answer.

"There's a free room next to Dabi and Toga you can take that one"

Your smirk grew even wider as you turned to Dabi, taking in the annoyed sour look he had on his face.

"Hey roomie" you said, with a dumb grin on your face,

"Are you fucking kidding me" he whispered, running a hand through his hair,

"What its not that bad I'll just be next to you, you definitely didn't complain about us sharing a room before, so this can't be that bad" you winked "actually if I remember correctly you had a pretty good time. I'm sure Shigaraki will remember too let's ask him shall we?" You said, turning to Tomura who had a priceless face plastered on him, somewhere in between fear and disgust.

"No please I don't want to be involved or know anything more about what you two do in your free time" he said,

Standing up you adjusted your suit and placed the knives back in the chest holsters.

"Well I'm off to see my new room. Oh and Shiggy you can join in next time. Bye losers" you winked, walking out of the room and shutting the door.

You left the two guys behind and found your room. It was pretty much empty apart from the basic furniture such as a bed, wardrobe, desk and bed side table. But at least it had a bathroom and a window overlooking the streets below.

You were surprised to see someone had left clean folded bedsheets for you to use, they were a dark gray. Probably Dabis.

Smiling you made your bed and placed a few of the clothes you stole from him in the closet. When you were finally done you stood back and stared at the room. Frowning.

It seriously needed some decor. The bare minimum was to at least get some clothes.

But for now you just wanted some sleep. So you changed, got into bed and as soon as you closed your eyes you fell asleep.

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