the little warbler

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( Sebastian's pov )

I have a secret.. a secret that no one know, even my team or boyfriend. I'm a little and.. that's actually why I acted like this. I know what I did was really wrong.. only my parents know about this, but they says it wired. I was cuddling whit my stuffie in my bed, its on old bunny I got when I was little. I even use a pacifier, they feel so nice and safe. Than I hear my door open and I hide my stuff under my pillow. " what are you doing?" Hunter aks. " nothing just chilling you know.." he nod. " wanna go out for a walk?" He ask. " yhea sure..." I say and step out bed. " let go.." I say. " you wanna go like this?" Hunter laughed. Than I realise i was only in my boxer. " yes.." I smile innocent. " not gonna happend i don't wand you walk around like this." He say and helps me in my uniform. " hunty? Tie my shoes please?" I ask and show him my puppy eyes." He sighed. " fine..." I smile he would be a great daddy for me.

* later *

( hunter's pov)

I was walking whit Sebastian hand in hand. He so sweet but, I think he's hiding something. We walk furder. " you okay bassy?" I ask. " yhea, why?" " you look so.. tired." " I am tired.." he say whit al little attitude in his voice. " let's go back than." I say. " carrie me." He Command. " you have legs.." i say. " please..." " urg! Fine!" I sighed and pick him up in my arms. " I love you.." he say softly. " I love you to." And kiss his head.

When we were back at dalton i carrie him to our dorm. " so we're here.." I say and lay him on his bed. Than there's a kock on the door. " come in." I say and wes walked it. " we have a meeting you guys coming?" He ask. " but I'm tired.." Sebastian cried. " is he okay?" Wes ask. " i don't know.. you know what.. I talk to him.. I see you later" I say and close the door. " what the hell is wrong whit you!?" I shout at him. " what do you mean?" He ask softly and almost about to cry. " that! You are 16! Act like one and not like a 3 year old cause now you act like on! Grown up!" He looks at me whit tears in his eyes. " urg.. you so a cry baby, are you coming? Or are staying here?" I ask coldly. " staying here.." he say softly. " fine.." i say and slam the door.

( Sebastian's pov )

I start crying, why is he so mean? I know it was weird.. i just wand someone to take care off me. I put my pacifier in my mouth and try to calm down.

( hunter's pov)

" so he's not coming?" Thad ask. " no.." I say. " what happened?" Ask David. " he just acting really weird.. he act like a little kid." I sighed. " maybe.. just talk to him, he probably cry him self ro sleep now." Nick said. I nod. " i go check him." I say and walk away. When i was back in our dorm, Sebastian was laying in his bed.. is he sucking on a.. pacifier? And in his arm he was holding an old stuffed bunny. " sebby? You okay?" I ask and shook him gently. " hmm.." he mumbled. " sebby it's me, wake up please." He opens his eyes and look at me in chock. " hunter! It's not what you think!" He say and hide his stuff under his pillow. " hey it's okay.. just tell me, i wouldn't yell or laugh." I say. " i... im.. a little.. whit a headspace.." he say softly. " why didn't you tell this?" I ask and hugs him. " because people say it's weird.." he cries. " aw baby, no it's not.. I'm sorry i called you a little kid." I say. " actually.. i am a little kid, my headspace is 3 years. So yhea.." he say softly. " okay.. and you taking care of yourself?" He nods. " my parents say its wierd.." and he start crying again. " don't cry buddy, don't cry. It's okay. I got you." I cooed. He calms down and hide in my chest. " let's tell the warblers, they really worried about you." I say. " what if thwy laugh?" They wouldn't.. i promise." I pick him up and walk back to the choir room. " is he okay?" Jeff ask. " yhea, just a little upset now.. he's a little." I say. " a what?" Trent ask. " a little sometimes he acts younger that he is, like now." I explained. " ow.. okay.. so what we gonna do?" Wes ask. " taking care of him.." jeff said and sit next to us. " hey sebby" he cooed. " jeffy." Sebastian siad softly. " hey buddy.." nick said. " aw he's cute.." trend said. Than i realize he still had his bunny. " can i hold him?" Jeff ask. I look at Sebastian and he nods. " hey buddy.." jeff smiles. " he's so cute.. but what whit?" David aks. " he's out his headspace for school and warblers practice, so it's not a problem." I say and look back at jeff and Sebastian. " I'm tired daddy.." he whine. " did you just.. call you.." thad ask. " i guess.." i say but smile. " come on than, up to bed." I say and pick him up in my arms. " goodnight.." he say softly. I kiss his head and walk to our dorm. I put him into a onesie amd lay him on his bed. " i love you sebby." I say and kiss him. " wuv u to." He smile and kissed me back. I put his pacifier in his mouth and tuck him in. " goodnight baby." I wisper. I never thought my boyfriend become my baby, but i loved it.

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