parents problem's

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( Jeff's pov)

Its Friday and that's means I'm going home for the weekend. Now im going tell my parents.. I'm going tell them that I'm gay. Everyone at dalton knows it and accept me, so I'm really happy about that. But I am worried about my parents reaction.. there are really strict about everything. They still not happy about the fact I am in a glee club. " Music is wasting of time" they always say. There are strict rules at home like: I am not allowed to use my phone at the day I can only teksting my friends at night a half our before bed. I am not allowed to have fun our freedom, instead I have to chores and homework. I can't even leave the hous! But the wost thing is.. i get lock up in my room at night, and if I don't listen.. they hit me.. a lot. So I'm really happy they send me to a boarding school! Okay it is still school but here can I feel free! I have friends, i can singing and the best.. i don't get hit and don't locked up. " see you Monday jeff!" Says David and he step in his parents car. I wave at him and wait for my parents to pick me up. After a half hour my dad arrived. " step in" he say. I nod and climb in the backseat. " so.. Jeffrey.. how was your week?" He ask. " really good.." " did you have a test?" He ask. " only for math.. i got an C." I say softly. " jeffrey! This is unexpected! We expected he have A's and B's! If you have one more bad grade like that you gonna be so sorry young man.. no dinner tonight for you." He say. " yes dad.. sorry." I say softly and look out the window.

* later *

I was doing the dishes. Mom was very mad at me for my bad grade. She was yelling and slap my cheek. When I'm done I walk to the livingroom. " mom dad.. i have to tell you something.." I say. " what?" Ask dad. " i.. I am gay.." my both parents look at me in shock. " sorry you want?!" My dad yells and he slaps me very hard. " no son of mine is gay! You understand!?" He grabs the back of my shirt and drag me to the basement, he throws me off the stairs and locks the door. I start crying. My back really hurts, but i know he gonna hit me anyways. Than the door flies open and my parents walked in and my dad had a baseball bat whit him. " dad no... please.. I'm sorry.. don't hit me please.." i cried. But he start hitting me. " you are the worst son ever! You so a disappointment!" He yells at me. I look at my mom but she was just waching. " and no food for you this weekend." Say mom and they lave the basement. Tears running down my face. I hate the basement, it's dark and cold. My hole back hurts and I'm sure i have a black eye.

* sunday*

I was sleeping on the grond. I really hope dad let me out today because i have to back to dalton. But i don't know how to hide my bruises this time. " jeffrey! You can come out.." say mom. " thanks mom " i say. " grab your stuff.. your dad drove you back." She say. I nod and go upstairs. I grab my suitcase and put some new clothes in. I don't have a lot clothes, i have a few t-shirts, pants, hoodies and a few pyjamas. So I'm glad I have a uniform. " you ready?" Dad ask. I nod and step in the car. " and don't you dare to have a relationship whit a boy! You understand?" " yes dad.." i say. When we get there i walk inside. I don't have my homework done so i go to the library.

" hey jeff.." i look up and saw Sebastian. " hey.." i say softly. " you okay? How was your weekend?" " it was okay, how about yours?" I ask. Sebastian is the only one who knows how my parents are. His parents are just like mine the only thing they never hit him. " they hit you again aren't they?" I nod. " yhea.. i come out to them.." " aw, I'm so sorry but maybe.. things gonna be alright." He say. " are you parents okay whit it?" I ask. " no.. but they never cared about what makes me happy." " they locked me up in the basement.. i haven't eat for 2 days.." i say. " okay.. let's grab some dinner." Says Sebastian. " i can't I am not done my homework yet" " you sure? I mean.. you have to eat.. look how skinny you are." He say. " its.. okay.. im fine.. and thanks." I smile. " okay.. i see you tomorrow?" I nod. " yhea.." maybe people see him as a badboy.. but actually he is a really good guy.

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