Chapter 1: Betrayed

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians or The Heroes of Olympus. Rick Riordan owns the series completely. I also don't own LOK or ATLA or Harry Potter. They belong to Nickelodeon and J. K. Rowling.

The Character above the chapter name is the POV (Point of View) it is in.

I know LOK is in a totally different timeline, but for this fanfic, it's in the same timeline, okay?

Tonks came back to life, you all will probably kill me for not bringing Lupin, Sirius, Fred or Cedric, or Severus back, but yeah.

It all started a few weeks ago, when a son of Zeus, Zach Skye came here.

    Flashback: I was doing my normal border patrol when I heard a cry. I immediately looked up and saw a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes being chased by two hell hounds. I quickly leapt into battle, swiped Riptide in an arc, effectively killing and disintegrating the hellhounds.

Then, out of the blue, he took Riptide just when the campers were coming to check the commotion. "Hey guys! Did you see me just kill those monsters? It must be a new record or something. Anyways, I was so heroic! I had to save this loser's butt!"  I looked at him, shock and surprise written all over my face.

  "Percy! How could you! Leaving a camper out like that, you've become more selfish! I would have expected better from a two-time savior of Olympus!" Annabeth's voice rang out.  The boy looked at me in surprise, as he did not know that I was the two-time savior of Olympus he framed. "Wisegirl, Campers, you wouldn't believe him, right?" I asked, shocked. Annabeth looked between me and the new camper. The campers were really confused now. They just started shuffling towards the dining pavilion. Chiron and Annabeth stood still, not walking away. They walked to me. "Percy, I'll always believe you, no matter what."  They both said. After that encounter, he started framing me saying that I broke Katie's personal garden, ruined Travis and Conner's ultimate prank during a CTF (Capture the flag) game, and sabotaging Annabeth's battle plans. Soon enough, everybody had betrayed me except Chris, Clarisse, and Chiron. The three C's, I called them. And to top it all, he was also a son of Zeus.

Flashback End.

Back to the present, I would make myself feel happier when I proposed to Annabeth. I was on mini quests for Athena so I could get my blessing to propose to her. When I walked to a little hidden cave on the beach, where nobody could see us, because it was covered with trees, Annabeth's and I's spot, I saw something that made me scream. Annabeth was there, KISSING! And not kissing herself, mind you. No. She was kissing ZACH. Yes, ZACH SKYE. I let out an anguished cry, all negative emotions getting freed. 

Annabeth just noticed me. "Sea-Seaweed Brain! I-I thought you died and-and you would want me to move on so..." Annabeth said, tears streaming down her face. But there was something off. A voice I didn't recognize said that she wanted to kiss Zach and that she used me to get fame. My last strand of hope was cut. "I DID ALL THOSE THINGS FOR YOU, JUMPING INTO TARTARUS, KILLING ARACHNE, RESCUING YOU FROM THOSE METAL SPIDERS, I WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR YOU! YOU KNOW WHEN I WAS GONE, I WAS DOING QUESTS. QUESTS THAT WERE THOUGHT TO BE IMPOSSIBLE! I WAS DOING THAT TO GET ATHENA'S BLESSING TO PROPSE TO YOU!" By now, everybody was here, listening. "WHEN MY MERMORY WAS TAKEN AND I WAS SENT TO CAMP JUPITER, YOU KNOW WHAT I REMEMBERED? I REMEMBERED YOU! YOU AND ONLY YOU! WHEN I TOOK A BATHE IN THE STYX? YOU WERE MY MORTAL POINT! YOU'RE LYING ABOUT THAT! YES, I WOULD LIKE YOU TO MOVE ON, BUT YOU WANTED THAT LYING BUG! YOU ACTUALLY WANTED TO KISS HIM! YOU COULD HAVE BROKEN UP WITH ME, BUT NO! YOU CHEAT ON ME! BREAKING UP IS MUCH BETTER! YOU ARE SCREWED, ANNABETH CHASE! YOU DON'T MAKE WISE DECISIONS FOR A DAUGHTER OF WISDOM! WE'RE OVER! I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!" I yelled, running back to cabin three. I didn't no why I made the sudden outburst; it just felt right. Well, not going to go out and say 'Oh, hey! Sorry about that outburst; don't know where it came from'. Yep totally not doing that.

Once I was in my cabin, I wrote a note, took my belongings, and left.

Dear Campers ,hopefully you know now that I was framed into doing all these crimes. I don't really care if you're sorry or not. Your betrayal hurt more than dying a slow and painful death. I highly doubt that I will ever come back here again. And campers, don't try IM'ing (Iris-Messaging) me. It won't work.

Dear Annabeth,

We're over. Don't try getting back with me after cheating on me. I hate you.

Dear Chiron, Chris, and Clarisse

I will forever remain faithful for you, as you believed in me rather than Zach. Chiron, Chris, and Clarisse, I'll be also Iris-messaging you. Chiron, I loved you like a father. I hope you guys (Chiron, Chris, and Clarisse) will understand why I left. 

Best wishes (To the three C's and the campers that are sorry for me. Totally NO best wishes to Annabeth),

Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon, Slayer of Kronos, Bane of Gaea, and many other.

Honestly, I just put the 'Don't try IM'ing me. It won't work.' because I didn't want them contacting me. It's not like I could shut down all the IM connections, right?

I also didn't know how I hated Annabeth right then and there. (A/N: ATLA here anyone? "...You won't have to worry about your destiny anymore; because I'll make sure that it ends right then and there, forever" I love Katara!) It was weird. Oh well...I still loved her, but I couldn't forgive her after what she'd done. To bad Thalia and Nico weren't here. Thalia was with the hunters, and Nico was helping his dad, Hades with some soul sorting. Apparently, some souls escaped the fields of punishment, which should be impossible, right? Oh well... Hey, I say 'Oh well...' quite a lot.

Anyways, I am currently walking through a forest, thinking about my break-up with Annabeth...

First chapter done. Uh...YAY! Okay, please comment how this chapter was, review, vote, and please give me any feedback. I appreciate it. Thanks! I'll try to update soon. And I know that this chappie (chapter) is short, but I have a ton of work. I know the break up wasn't that emotional, I'm not good at writing romance. Well, this is AppleLoft logging off.

~ AppleLoft

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