Chapter 2: I meet random twins called Chaos and Order

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Italics are flashbacks or mind messages.

There is no other way to put this.

I was (and still am, mind you) miserable.

Campers betrayed me.

My friends betrayed me.

Even my girlfriend betrayed me.

Now here I am, walking through a random forest I don't know the name of. With just Riptide for protection, and my bag of food and supplies. I felt kind of guilty not contacting my mom before I left. Oh well, already happened. Time can't undo itself. Anyways, I am tense. Not because of the betrayal, but because I feel like someone is stalking me. I don't know who though.

Suddenly, someone pounced on me. I yelped and tried to push that someone off. I could tell there was more than one person. A boy and a girl? Two boys? Two girls? "Hey, kelp head, we wanted to check on you. Didn't know CHB betrayed you, eh? "  A voice said. There was only one person allowed to call me 'Kelp head' Thalia! "Pinecone Face! And...Death Breath?   "You know, I'm very offended that you can't recognize us." The now known girl as Thalia said.  "Sorry, Thalia, it's just been you know, busy and bad for me" I replied, emotions engulfing me. "I don't know, Kelpy" Thalia remarked. "Thalia, stop bugging him!" Nico said, defending me. I smiled at Nico. It's fun having someone that defends you and jokes with you.


So, days passed with the three of us as a team.

Until. Someone. Came.

I tensed. I felt Thalia and Nico tensing, too. So, I guessed they felt a presence near us. Before we knew it, a woman and a man came.

"Hi. My name is Chaos. Okay, long story short, I want you to be part of my team of elite warriors. Thalia will be second in command and patroller, Percy will be commander and leader, and Nico will be the spy and third in command." She took a breath. "Sound good?"

Thalia was the first one to speak.

"We have questions, you have answers. So, are you Chaos as in the you know, creator of the world?"


"And I'm Order!" A cheery voice sounded. I spun around, ready for a battle, only to face some human flesh. I smacked into Order and fell down.

"Ooo...sorry, Perce. Anyways, I am Order. Twin brother of Chaos."

Welp, that was an introduction, I thought.

You know, we can hear you! Order mind messaged in a sing song voice.

And before I knew it; we were enveloped in darkness.

Okay, second chapter done! 

You know the drill! 

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~ AppleLoft

Betrayed But Not (PJO Crossover)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora