Could it be . . . ?

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Thalia, Thalia, Thalia. Hm . . . I should make this chapter in her point of view! *Changes photo to Thalia* 

~ AppleLoft

"Nico!" I yelled, and then, I slowly collapsed too. The last thing I saw was Percy collapsing and a black figure, moving swiftly and silently.

(Time Skip)

I groggily got up, and rubbed my eyes. The events of the previous day flashed in my head. Where as I? I stood up and looked around.

Sheer cliffs of rock surrounded me, encasing me in a prison. There was also a bubbly stream of water in the cave. I saw three humps of what appeared to be Percy, Nico, and some random girl in the same prison as I.

I shook them awake, "Nico! Percy!"

"Y-yeah?" I've never felt happier to hear Nico's mumbling. "Where are we?" That was Percy. Percy had apparently sprung up to his feet and bumped into the walls. He was currently rubbing his head.

"I don't know," came my response, "but I think there is a little girl right next to you." I'd expect Percy to freak out, but he went closer to the girl, out of curiosity, and shook her awake.

The girl opened her eyes, blinked, and stood up without a word. Now that she stood up, I could see her features clearly. She had copper skin, strict facial features like an upturned nose, high cheek bones, and strict eyes that swept across the huge chasm. Her eyes landed on the river, and then traveled to a boat near the river I had not seen.

The boat was fairly small, built to hold a person and an oar. Some of the planks had fallen out, and next to it, was a glittering moon stone that shone through the dark.

The girl scrambled up to it and hugged it to her chest. "Who are you?" My voice came out harsher than intended. The girl looked up, probably not noticing me sulking in the shadows with Nico.

"And why should I tell?" Came my response. How dare she. How dare she. How DARE she! I seethed with anger, "Do you know who I am, girl?" I spat, "I am Thalia. Former lieutenant of Lady Artemis and her hunters! I fought in the second titan war!"

The girl looked up so startlingly, I could see her face, picture perfect. I couldn't see it earlier, but I can now.

This girl . . . was someone I knew.

This girl . . . was someone that was supposedly dead.

This girl . . . was a hunter.

This girl . . . was the long lost lieutenant of Lady Artemis and her hunters, Zoë Nightshade.

How was this possible?

Hey readers. What's up? Haven't been on Wattpad recently. So I decided to write some little short chappie here. I tried to end it in a cliffhanger. I think I did that pretty well. Five stars for cliffhanger, I guess. Yeah. Also, I know this sort of 'What's up?' message is supposed to be up there, on the beginning note, but I don't wanna rewrite all this so . . . yeaaaaaah.

~ AppleLoft

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2021 ⏰

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