Encounter moment

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You suddenly appear in Nevada, the famous place of the Madness Combat series. You, being a huge fan of the series, walk forward to see some characters from your favourite series. You don't see anyone. You see that the sky is dark red so Hank already murdered the Sun. You keep walking until you see an epic thing, it was Hank and Tricky fighting!!
You, feeling excited, hide behind the tall grey building, watching how Tricky and Hank destroy eachother in a furious battle.
Tricky, having his grey mask on the face, would take a stop sign and slash Hank in half, despite the fact that bandaged Grunt tried to do something, but he died. Tricky starts cutting Hank in pieces and then throws him off the nearby cliff, filling you with fear and love at the same time.
However, Tricky is not stupid, and he notices you watching them. He would instantly appear Infront of you, taking out the stop sign and placing it above your head. You feel scared but you can't run.
But Tricky then makes the stop sign visit The Other Place, as he stares at you with his black eyes of the mask. You feel some sympathy towards the clown that spared you. Tricky keeps staring, giving the feeling of both fear and sympathy to your feelings. Like, you watch one of the most evil characters in Madness Combat, what would you expect?
Tricky suddenly grabs you and gives a hug. You, feeling relieved and a little surprised, hug him in return....comfortable....
You feel like putting off his mask to see the beautiful face, and you want to do that.

Tricky The Clown x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin