Chapter 2

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Riley's POV

I woke up the next morning to some yelling which was unusual cause I'm a deep sleeper.

I got dressed in some converse, jeans, and a black tank top that's says Don't Judge, and my beanie then headed downstairs.

"Can't you make pancakes your fudging Canadian" Vikk yelled.

"Don't comment on a mans pancakes" Mitch replied.

"How bout you 2 shut up about pancakes" I said.

"Ohh hey morning" Vikk said.

"Morning" I replied.

"Why are we watching fudging spongebob" Steph said.

"Cause it Spongebob" Jerome replied.

We kept talking and running around till we eat breakfast.

"Hey guys wanna head to the beach today" Preston asked.

Me and Steph looked at each other wide eyed we only got to go to the beach once when we where 13 and our families took a trip to N.Y.

"Um guessing that's a yes" Lachlan said looking at us.

"You bet" I said.

"TO THE BEACH" Preston cheered.

"To the beach" we all cheered.

Everyone ran to their rooms to get ready cause it was already noon.

"Hey ya ready" Steph said knocking on my door.

"One sec come on in" I said.

I decided on wearing my light blue one piece and Steph was wearing her purple one piece.

I pulled over my black over top sundress.

Then I grabbed my stuff and headed to the beach.

At the beach........

Everyone unloaded their stuff and the guys started walking to the water.

"Hey ya waiting for us" Steph called.

"But girls usually just tan the whole time" Mitch said.

"Not us race ya" I said and we all dashed to the water.

Ohh did I mention I was in track it was me in the front with Vikk close behind and the others trailing.

"Speedy the blur" he called out.

I reached the water but stopped right before jumping in causing Vikk to jump in.

He popped to the surface "Hey no fair Blur" he whined.

"Deal" I said and held out my hand to pull him up but he pulled me in with him.

"Deal"he said and started swimming of.

I just stood there until he turned around then I gave him a sad look.

He swam back over "I'm sorry you okay" he asked.

I smirked and splashed some water in his face "I'm a good actress ain't I" and started swimming off while the others splashed each other.

I was swimming when I felt a pair of arms grab me and pull me up "No no no not today" he said.

I looked and smiled back at him.

"Your funny" I said sarcastically.

He smiled and let go of me kinda blushing.

And we rejoined the others.

Vikk's POV

After that with Riley we went back to the group.

Honestly my heart skipped a beat with her she seemed so nice.

Maybe I like her I don't know.

But then I felt a tug underwater and I turned around to a very mad looking Preston.

"I saw that" he said.

I looked at him confused "what"

"With Riley"

Ohhhhh that's not good he's gonna kill me.

I guess I looked a bit nervous so Preston started laughing.

"Dood I'm not gonna kill ya just be careful with her okay honestly I trust you more then some of the other guys" he said looking over to the others.

"I will" I said.


Love ya long time






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