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(The avengers wake up as some weird animals and they have to find their way back to their human forms or stay as furries forever. Some of them prefer that...  IDK some omegaverse stuff goin' on. honestly I just word barfed this entire thing.)

Natasha opened her eyes and looked around. She seemed to have ended up in some weird forest. as she looked around she saw that there she was surrounded by some creepy wolf-like creatures with horns and coloured fur. 

"What the hell?" She asked squinting her eyes. She looked down at herself and saw that she was a weird ass furry as well. The animals around her started to wake up looking as confused as she was. 

"Who are you?" She asked the one closest to her. It yipped and moved away. 

"I'm Bucky... who the hell are you?!?"

Realisation dawned on her.

"I-I'm Natasha..."

"Nat? Why do you look like that?"

"Take a look at yourself Buck."

Bucky's head moved down to glance at his feet which looked like paws. 

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!?!?" Bucky shouted alarming everyone around who all looked at themselves and gasped.

"Steve where are you?" Bucky panted.

"I'm here." The blue one with white and red stripes said.

Steve moved closer to Bucky whose fur was a Black and gold pattern. "Bucky ngl ur fur is hot."

"omg thanks Stevie not looking to bad yourself" he let out a low growl.

"Guys please." A voice that sounded like Loki said. he didn't seem to have trouble moving around in his form like the others did.

"Loki? How do you walk like that?" Tony shouted.

"I've spent time in four-legged forms before."

"Oh." Everyone chorused and nodded their heads. That made sense.

Clint immediately began dashing around the clearing. "Bro this is so much fun." Most others gave him funny looks except for Steve and Bucky who where too wrapped up in admiring each other to even notice. Bruce picked up a knife from one of there bags and stumbled over to the two of them and attempting to cut the air. Nat rolled her eyes. 

"What are we going to do?" She asked and everyone tilted their heads. 

"I don't know. I am not sure how this happened and dI am not sure how we get back." By this time Steve and Bucky were walking closer and listening for once in their lives.

"Look guys I know you are going to hate this thought but I think we just switched bodies. Because look over there."

Bucky gestured with his head.

They saw themselves, or at least their own bodies stumbling around and mumbling confused.

"I don't think that there is a way to fix this. Or at least one where we have any clue." 

"This is our life now. Guys."

Everyone sighed and Clint was beyond over joyed though sad that he couldn't see his wife or kids but whatever.

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