The Show that Didn't go as expected but It wasn't bad ;)

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So basically Sebastian Stan and Other cast members go on the Jimmy Kimmel show and Jimmy plays the video linked above and well you will find out what happens next... 

Pretty short but I just had to get this scenario out of my head ever since I discovered this video. 

Sebastian and Anthony sat chatting backstage about what the show would hold for them this evening. Scarlett and Elizabeth were in the back sitting near Chris Evans and Tom Holland. Tom Hiddleston sat alone in the corner on his phone or something. Everyone was excited but Seb was really nervous because Jimmy had said something about something special to celebrate 20th anniversary since his first tv appearance came out. He was hoping for something happy and cool but knowing Jimmy that would most likely not be happening. 

One of the backstage crew guys came out and told them to be ready in 2 minutes and the room became a bustle or adjusting clothing and putting items away. 

Then the crew guy came back and told them to make their entrance they heard each of their names being announced and they walked out. 

"So this is your 20th anniversary of being on TV correct Sebastian?"


"Why that tone?"

"Because you make me nervous when you say stuff like that." Everyone Laughed.

"Well you should be because I am going to show a bunch of kisses you have had over your career."

"Oh my god. I am not ready."

"Well here it is."

Everyone cast their eyes towards the screen and let out hollers and screams seeing the very hot Sebastian Stan making out with bunch of Men and Women. When the video ended Seb sat starting down in embarrasment while the others made remarks such as. 

"Pretty Hot Seabass."

"Dude I didn't know you played those roles."


"Guys you are making him uncomfortable."

"ahah it's okay, I forgot most of those even existed." Sebastian said quietly and awkwardly and the entire rest of the show he wore a red blush on his cheeks.

That's the end. It didn't turn out like I had envisioned in my head but I got lazy and gave up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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