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Linnea looked back over her shoulder, watching Orchid with concerned eyes as she happily gallivanted away, hand in hand with a walking corpse. She clenched her jaw, lighting up a cigarette as she pulled her jacket further up her shoulders. Lost in thought and the unearthly chill of the day, she brushed against a flyer haphazardly stuck onto a brick wall.
'Excuse me, what the fuck is Mayhem?'

"Nea!" A clear voice rang out in her ears, followed by the sound of a camera flash, "Almost lost you! Did you meet your new roommate yet?"
Linnea leaned back on the wall, facing the other girl, a fashionable blonde armed with a professional looking camera and a badass leather jacket. "Oh, Hey Ann." She sighed, "Yeah, I met her, she just ran off with some weirdo."
"And you let her? I thought you were dorm mom." She joked, getting a stream of smoke blown in her face.
"Dorm mom doesn't mean boring..."
Ann-Marit had stopped her coughing fit, taking a quick breath, "Why are you so grumpy, Nea?" She pouted, her eyes caught by the seemingly home printed flyer behind her, "What's that?"
"I'm not grumpy, I'm just cold..." she huffed, tearing the paper off fully and handing it to her friend, "Looks like your next gig, girl." She gave her a smile as she walked off, leaving Ann-Marit reading in the courtyard.
Jørn impatiently tapped on the dashboard, startled by the sudden slam of the car door and Per sliding next to him. "I found her." He said blithely, averting his eyes from his friend's questioning gaze.
"Hello!" Orchid said quietly from the backseat. Jørn tried to untense himself, turning around in the car to get a good look at her.
I'm"Sorry. I just didn't really expect..." he blinked for a second, trying to find the words, "A girl."
Orchid paused, waiting for Per to say something, anything, to introduce her. "Uh, yes! My name is Orchid! I've known Pelle for years." She explained, her eyes darting between the two men.
"Well, what do ya know?" He chuckled, starting up the car, a cheeky smile on his face. "Jørn. I bet this asshole hasn't said a thing about me!" He flipped a lone curl of jet black hair over his shoulder as he drove, and nudged Per roughly, eliciting a whine from the blonde.
Orchid couldn't help but let out a light, breathy giggle, "He mentioned he had band mates...Which are you? Euronymous?"
Jørn sputtered jokingly, "God no, that uppity fuck is the leader, Guess you can call me NecroButcher if you're into that." He was gruff, and a bit rough around the edges. In a weird way, Orchid was reminded of her father looking at him, without an open bottle of rum in his hand of course.
"Orchid is a witch, Jørn." Per spoke up out of seemingly nowhere, "Real black magic shit, she'll fit in great." Orchid blushed, her chest swelling with pride at hearing her accomplishments from her friend.
"Uh huh, and how long is she supposed to be staying?"
"Long as she wants."
"Pelle what the fuck?! Does Øystein know about this?" Jørn barked.
"Why does he need to know?"
"It's his fucking house!"
Pelle didn't feel the need to respond, only fiddling with the car's handle, making Jørn slam on the breaks as they skidded into a dead patch of grass on the side of the road.
"Dude no, not the fucking fox again!" The gruff man pleaded, as Orchid watched Per get out and walk towards a little orange dot on the side of the road. Jørn turned to Orchid in the backseat, "Give me the signal, and I'll take off." He muttered jokingly.
Orchid fidgeted in her seat, "I'll be right back!" She grinned excitedly, bolting out of the car, leaving Jørn rubbing his temples.
'Two Deads. How can anyone deal with Two of them?!'

Per had the decaying animal up to his face, inhaling deeply as his eyes fluttered shut, lost in a trance at the vile stench of matted fur and rotted vulpine flesh.
"Parasites, Pelle. There's no way you don't have them." Orchid laughed, running to his side, "That's a nice one! Do you think we can take him with us?" She ran her finger between it's eyes, tracing the outline of it's skull.
Per had a wide, mischievous grin on his face, moving the Fox's mouth up and down to mimic speech, affecting a high pitched, annoying accent, like a ventriloquist you'd see on TV, "Take me where?! You'll never take me alive!" He cackled, "Hey there Orchid, whatcha so nervous about? Want a kiss?" Per pressed the dead fox's face against Orchid's cheek, making her gleefully giggle, playfully pushing him away from her.
"Stop it you ass!" She laughed, picking a clot of dirt from the ground and chucking it at his hair. She wasn't even phased when he made no effort to remove it from his hair, it looked almost like he'd crawled from a grave.
'It suits him!'

Both Orchid and Per were giggling like children when they got back in Jørn's car, the dead fox curled lifelessly in the blonde's lap.
"Oh FUCK no." Jørn protested, "You take that fuckin' thing out of here where it belongs!"
"Come on, don't be rude to our guest." Per grinned at his friend, "We can curse people with it."
"Ugh." Jørn started up the car again, "Just remind me to get some air freshener..." he grumbled angrily under his breath.

Author's Note!
Hey, thanks for reading! I love you guys to death my goodness! Hope you're enjoying! As you can see, I'm taking some artistic liberties, Let me know what you think!

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