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     "And then we found the biggest walnut tree! Oh, you just had to be there, Nea!" Orchid bounced excitedly as she filled in Linnea about her weekend. It was the perfect cold, rainy Sunday, the kind that could make way to fluffy white snow or cruel, unforgiving ice quicker than a blink. The girls were huddled in the library, steaming paper cups of tea and novels open in front of them. 

     "Well, sounds like you had fun." Linnea rested her head on her hand, giving her a bright red smile, "Sad you missed the pre-classes club recruitment."

"Club recruitment?"

"Yeah, like in High school or whatever, there's some extra curriculars you can jump in, the more fun ones filled up pretty quickly, though." Linnea explained, turning another page in 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'.

"Oh no…" Orchid grimaced, "I was really hoping to get the full college experience. Ya know, staying up late, eating trashy noodles, that sort of thing."

"Hey now, some of those Noodles are pretty good!" The girls shared a laugh, not noticing someone wordlessly approach their table. 

     A clearing of the throat caught their attention, making them look up.

Rat faced was probably the best word for him. Long, mousey brown hair, with a devious half smile, like he knew something you didn't. He wore a denim vest, adorned with patches, and Orchid couldn't help but think he looked like someone Øystein would hang around…

     "Afternoon, girls." His voice was quiet, dripping in false confidence, "I was wondering if either of you would be interested in Chess Club?"

     "Not this year, Kristian. RAing again." Linnea didn't even look up from her book the second he started talking. He looked over to Orchid expectedly, who inhaled tensely.

"Oh, sure, why not?" Her lips curled into a nervous smile as she signed his clipboard, "Thanks!"

"No, thank you…" he glanced down at the board, "Orchid! You're our third member, here's the information, can't wait to see you there!" He handed her a pamphlet before slinking away.

     Linnea looked up, a worried look on her face, "Dude…"


"Kristian is a total fucking weirdo, why'd you sign it?!" She whisper-yelled.

"Well, I mean-you mentioned the better clubs were filled already so I figured…" she trailed off, "Besides, I've never played chess before, it could be fun."

"Hmm, just-be careful, alright? Kristian is a fucking prick, and somehow his girlfriend is worse."


"Fucking Emma. Stupid ass Emma, and her stupid ass friend." Linnea spat, "Those two hookers stole my friend Ann's camera last year. Can't trust them, Liberal Arts majors, I'm fucking telling you-"

"I should be okay, Nea, I don't have anything to steal." Orchid placed a hand over her friend's comfortingly, "Your energy is good, I know you mean well. If I have a problem I'll come to you in a heartbeat!"

     Linnea chuckled, grabbing her hand and swinging it playfully, "If you say so, girl. Come on, let's head out before the rain starts to freeze!"



     "Thursday, 6:30…"

     Orchid hummed to herself, kicking the back of her heels as she waited outside the empty room. Classes had been roughing her up the past few days, and she was more than ready to unwind with some board games before the show that weekend.

     A couple of taller boys pushed past her. One was completely unassuming, bushy blonde hair and glasses, the other, Kristian, wearing the same rat-like grin he always seemed to sport.

Orchid filed in behind them, Kristian sitting across from her, as the other boy started to chat with a redhead at the other side of the room.

     "Hi there." He gave her a smile, starting to set up a game board. It looked fancy, and expensive, with glass pieces.

"Afternoon, Kristian…" she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Who just, had something that nice at college? "I've never actually played chess before, I was hoping someone could teach me?"

"Not a problem." He dismissed her with a wave of his hand, "You see, these here are pawns…"

     Kristan was weird. There was no way around that, he was a decent teacher, but something about him made Orchid uneasy, and she couldn't help herself from squirming in her seat the whole of the hour and a half she was sat across from him.

"Thanks again…" Orchid cleared her throat as she haphazardly pushed her things back in her back, her handmade skirt swaying as she quickly got up from her seat and made her way to the door.

"It's nothing, you actually learned really well for a woman."

"Excuse me?!" Orchid was taken aback, physically recoiling when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"I would love to teach you a bit more, maybe over coffee, hm?" 

     Orchid paused, her eyes widening as her heart began to race. This guy, just out of the blue, hit her with sexism and cheating in less than thirty seconds. 

"I don't think your girlfriend would appreciate that!" She spat, giving in to her fight or flight and speed walking away, not stopping until the door of her dorm room was shut tight behind her.

     She leaned against the door, falling to her knees as her stomach twisted in painful knots again. 

     'I hate college…'


(A/N: oh dear, Y'all knew Varg had to show up 👀 Lemme know what ya think! Also this weekend, I'll be in DC for a convention, if that's too much info I'll be happy to edit this out, but hopefully I can get some writing done! Whoever is still reading, thank you dearly, you are beyond Awesome! 👌✨)

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