Chapter 1: A New Start

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Walking to a place where his new journey starts today. Liam is a freshman student at the College of Science and Mathematics. As he walked into the gate, many girls chatted while looking at him as if they had found a precious diamond. He is the definition of a cute and handsome type of man, with average grades that make him great boyfriend material.

He is sitting on the corner in the central park of the school. Taking a moment to breathe and be mesmerized by the beautiful surroundings of birds, plants, and flowers with a fountain in the center is such a scenic experience.

His moments stop when someone bumps him accidentally.

"Sorry" the girl bows her head, feeling embarrassed by what she did.

"It's okay"

"Kim~~Faster!!It's already starting, aaahhhh!" another girl grabbed the person who bumped Liam earlier and started to run again.

"I'm sorry again" both of them ran as they left leaving Liam confused.

"Hmm? What exactly happening over there?" Liam talked to himself as he saw a crowd of girls screaming at the top of their lungs outside the basketball area where the two ladies were heading, just a few meters away from where Liam was standing.

"Hmmm new target for girl's fantasy boyfriend again" as Liam walks away to find a peaceful place to take his snack that he made.

"Liaaaaaaaaaaaaaam!!!" before he even opened the snack, a handsome man ran aggressively towards Liam.


Liam looked like a potato after Josh jumped over him. "Are you a kid or mentally ill person?"

Liam's smooth face looks so pissed. Josh laughed after he saw the face of the poor guy and offered his hand to help him get up from the ground.

"I miss you much!!!" Liam helped himself put away some dirt from his uniform.

"Shut your mouth Josh" the guy made a long face at Liam and then hug him tightly "Liam,  can you just give me also an "I miss you too buddy?" You totally have no sweetness in your body" still making a sad face.

"Enough with what you are doing! See your surroundings Josh!" Josh look also on what Liam is talking about and found out that many are watching and taking chance to take a photo of their scenario.

Josh immediately withdraw and pull his hands upward. "Sorry hehe".

After those scene in the central park. Liam and Josh found a place to relax and talk with each other.

"It's been a year and a half since you comeback home. Welcome back!" Josh talking so happily to Liam

"Yeah.." Liam answered and took a one box and give to Josh. "Here!" Josh receive a box from Liam and suddenly open it.

"Woaaahh for me?" A sandwich which fillings are Josh's favorite.

"No, for me that's why I gave it to you... Happy?" Liam said with an ok sign to his right side.

"Hahaha so serious?" Josh smiled as they continue to eat their snacks.

As they finished eating their snack they rest a little bit looking at the white blue sky "Oh I almost forgot! mom will make so many dishes today and she said  that I will invite you for the dinner, will you come" Liam ask while looking at Josh drinking.

"Of course! I miss Auntie and her delicious dishes" Josh looking so happy while saying those.

"Liam? Why did you chose this school?" Josh serious look made Liam confused.

Liam get up from the ground "This is my parent's alma matter and where also they build their relationship." Liam smiled at Josh but the man look like there's something he is hiding "Why Josh? Is there something wrong?".

Josh took a minute to answer Liam "You know... the guys who bullied you before is also here?".

Liam seems surprise, he take a moment to calm his self "Why bothered Josh? We are grown-up now. I can handle myself". After then, they both look up the sky "Hope I don't have a feeling with you anymhore" Liam whispered.

The two guys walk to the College of Engineering building "Just wait for me here I will be in a seconds okay?"

Josh have something to sign in his course "Okay, I will wait here" Liam said and Josh immediately run inside the building and Liam sit in one of the  chair outside.

In a while, he saw an interesting club brochure near the table of Freshmen Engineer Welcome. Liam left at his chair and approaching the table to get the brochure, as he was about to pick a man suddenly bump her and causes him to lose his balance "Sh*t!"
Luckily, there is someone hold Liam's body to avoid himself fall from the ground. "Sorry, I'm so sorry bro" a man who's height is quit intimidating.

"It's okay no scratch happen on my body" Liam smile at the man. 

The man heavily sighed "Wew. I thought your face will be hit the table"

Liam look at his back to thank the man who save him "Thank you for---B--eau?!"

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