Chapter 2: Long Time No See

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"You know him Beau?" the guy who bumped Liam asked. Liam took a chance to see clearly the face of the person in front of him as he look again no doubt it was Beaumont.

"Yes, we study in the same highschool. He is my junior" Beau answered. Liam look them, they are 4 people wearing a wet jersey as they look just finished playing basketball.

"Ahhh Hi I'm Luke nice to meet you, second year from College of Social Science" Luke offer a handshake to Liam "Liam" as he approach of Luke handshake "Nice meeting you Liam" look go back to his team talking.

Liam took a chance to pick the brochure and was about to go away with them— "Long time no see Liam" Beau said as he look at him "Yeah" Liam awkwardly smile.

"Oh guys! here's the paper that coach wants us to see and sign" a guy suddenly appeared.

"Kevin! there you are!" Luke said as Kevin walk towards them. Kevin notice an unfamiliar person with them.

"Who is he?" Kevin asked them. "He is Beau's high school junior before" Liam chuckle quitely as he laugh on the thought that he and Beau are friends.

"Oh! are you one of our freshman here in College in Engineering?" Liam shocks at what Kevin says and immediately answer him "No senior Kevin, I'm just—" before Liam finish his sentennce there is a loud noise interrupting him.

"Liaaaaam!" Josh suddenly appear towards them and put his arms on Liam's back "Hello seniors" as he politely greet them "Is my friend bothering you?" he asked.

"No, so he is your friend?" Kevin look both of them. 

"Yes senior! He is Liam from College of Science and Mathematics" Josh politely answer him. "Oh I though he is a freshmen from our faculty" Luke said.

"Oh! Good timing that you are here Josh" Kevin look at his friends "Uhm guys! He is Josh a freshmen from my faculty one of the new recruit for the basketball team" Josh shyly scratch his head after what Kevin said.

"Cool, he has a good body posture" Luke said and the other 3 guys agreed

"A good body doesn't define you a good player" Baeu said as he look at Josh."Are you worthy to be in the team? or just a new benchwarmer?" 

Josh eyes is burning as what Beau words provoked him with those words. "What do you mean senior?" Josh asked. "Come and have a match with me" Beau seem so serious om what he said.

"Woah woah woah dude, what happen to you? Why you are suddenly like that?" one of his friends confront Beau. "Sure senior" Josh answered.

"Josh! you said you will go to our house to have a dinner? we will stop at grocery stall to buy some wine. We will be late?!" Josh forgot about the dinner as he immersed on Beau's provoking words at him.

"Raise to 5, so you both will not be late at your date" Beau bitterly said. "Call" Josh answer immediately.

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