Chapter 6

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Newt's POV

"Not!" Minho exclaimed.
"We can't trust her."

"Guys look I get where your all coming from but trust me, she's on our side."

Tommy had walked into the breakfast hall the next morning and explained that doctor Paige had been helping us all along and now wants to help us escape but the others don't seem to like this idea.

"If she wants us to escape then why doesn't she just let us walk out?"
"I'm so glad you asked Gally. You see although she's chancellor, some people don't think she is cut out for it. If it leaks out that I'm the cure and she's helping the cure escape, then she would have to step down and someone else will take over."
"Yeah well, that doesn't concern us."
"Uh, yeah Gally it does. Haven't you been listening? I'm the cure so others will come after us. People like, I don't know, Janson."

The others shuddered at the mention of the Rat Man, including me.

"Janson's already suspicious of her so she has to be careful."

None of them looked convinced. So Tommy thought it would help ease their concerns by sharing the plan he and Paige came up with.

"We came up with a foolproof plan. I give blood to the nonmunies a week before we're due to leave so I can recover. Out of both mazes, only 18 aren't immune so I can make a cure for them. She will have a berg waiting for us the night we leave then she'll tell everyone at WICKED that she's sending a berg out for patrol so no one gets suspicious of a missing berg. We take it to the last city, gather immunes, come back and she'll show us the haven and stop Janson from following then close down WICKED once and for all."

Tommy looked to the others with a satisfied smirk.

"Oh yeah, full proof, except we can't trust her!"
Min yelled the last part.

I slapped him on the head.

"Keep it down you fool we don't want anyone hearin' us you bloody shank."
He rubbed the side of his noggin where I had hit him, glaring daggers at me.

Tommy looked at me in despair, pleading me to say something with his eyes.

I sighed.

"Alright, how 'bout we come to a compromise. We follow along with Tommy and Paige's plan but we come up with a plan of our own as a backup and of course, she doesn't need to know of it. Yeah?"

"We. Cant. Trust. Her."
Alby emphasized.

That was when I lost it, I slapped my hand down on the table, ignoring the glares from others in the room.

"Idiots! Wake up. I can't believe your questioning Tommy even though every single one of his plans worked in the past. So what if it was a sim? You all know full well that you can trust him because he has never let you down. Never. So get your heads out your arses and listen to him, he knows what he's doing alright."

They all looked down sheepishly and hummed in agreement.
Tommy looks at me with a grateful smile.

" Guys I do understand not trusting her and I agree with Newt, we can play along for now, but as soon as something suspicious happens, then we can drop her and use our escape plan. The sad truth is, we need her help to escape whether we like it or not."

Everyone was eventually convinced of the plan by the end of breakfast.
With nothing else to do Tommy and I went for a walk again, down the halls.

Tommy was laughing at something I said when he stopped short.

"What is it, Tommy?"
He looked back at me and pointed towards a door labeled basement.

"Do you remember all the timed we spent in there?" He questioned.

"Yeah, I remember. We used to sneak out at night and spend some time just chillin' in there."

I smiled at the warm memory.

"The first time we met was when I came to fetch you and T in the middle of the bloody night. I took the two of you to meet Alby and Min."

Tommy took my hand again and kissed me softly on the cheek.

"Wanna go check it out? For old times sake?"

I nodded, "for old times sake."

Tommy took my hand and lead me down the steps towards our childhood.

A/N: Hello.
I apologize, my writing was TERRIBLE in this chapter but I was really lazy and it's going to stay this way so suck it up.

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