Chapter 23

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Thomas' POV

George ran into the room. He took a hesitant step toward his friend, a tear dancing in his eyes, threatening to spill over the top.

"Hermano." He whispered, cradling his friend's head.

I looked to Newt, he watched on, a disturbed lolner haunted his beautiful face. His gaze met mine and I was met with unmistakable tears brimming his eyes. He reached for my hand before giving it a tight squeeze.

I felt my face flood with heat out of resentment and remorse.

How could I be so selfish?
Was I really about to just dump out the poor man as if he were nothing?

Slowly, I approached them.
"When we reach the safe haven we'll hold a proper burial in honor of him."
I promised.

George only nodded in response, his full attention now back on his friend.


Newt and I gathered all the gladers, word got out about the crank and everyone was on edge. I barely had my foot through the door when arms snaked their way around my foot, I peered down with a frown only to have my frown replaced with a stupid grin, it was Lucy.

I ruffled her hair and attempted to walk. I landed up dragging my foot along as Lucy giggled heartily.

Eventually, I made it to the center of the room.

Out the corner of my eye, I watched as Gigi annoyed the klunk out of Chuck, he seemed upset but I could see him struggling to hold back the smile.

"Ok, listen up you guys!" I exclaimed to be heard over the anxious rumbles reverberating around the room. Shockingly, my voice never quaked even though the anxiety attempted to crawl out.

"I know everyones a little spooked but"

"Spooked?! I klunked my pants!" Chuck cried out, his statement was followed by thunderous laughter from the crowd.
You could always count on Chucky to lighten the mood.


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