Chapter 9

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Thomas's POV

Newt and I walked into the breakfast hall where we were met with one last short round of applause from the other gladers.

"Alright, that is enough you lot. You had your fun this mornin' and that is it. Let's just put this behind us now, yeah?"

Newt made it sound like a suggestion but his dark eyes and strong, rigid stance told us something else - almost as if he were daring them to try it again - no one questioned him after that.

Although he seemed alright, I still wasn't 100% convinced he was ok because that dark and shattered look still lingered in his eyes so to make him feel better - even if it only slightly helped - I got him his favorite breakfast: blueberry pancakes and lemon and honey tea.

"Ahhhhhh. Thanks, Tommy your the best boyfriend in the world."

Newt thanked me as I slid the tray of food in front of him. He placed a gentle hand on my cheek and gave me a warm smile.

"I love you."

"I love you too Newt."

"You guys are adorable," he smiled forcefully, "and it's making me sick I'm trying to eat," Minho commented with a glint of humor in his eyes.

I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Yeah well, maybe it's time we get you a lover Min," Newt suggested

He paled but recovered quickly.

"Nah. No one could match my beauty."

I may have been hallucinating but as Minho finished his sentence I thought I saw him steal a glance toward Alby.

I shook it off, thinking nothing much of it but then Tereasa spoke in my head.

"Hey, Tom?"

"Yeah, T?"

"Did you just see the look Min Min gave Alby? Kinda suspicious don't ya think?"

"Yeah, I saw it too. I don't know maybe we're reading too much into things."

"I guess but wouldn't they just make the cutest couple?"

"I agree and speaking of couples, hows things with Fry?"

She went silent then blushed a deep crimson red.

"Its... complicated ok?"

I snickered when she cut off the connection and put her hair forward to cover her face.

We finished off our breakfast-making small talk with some of the other gladers and we even got to speak with Newt's sister again and her girlfriend Harriet.

They were great together and they reminded me a lot of Newt and my Relationship.

After breakfast, we headed back to our room. We still had an hour or so before it was time for more tests to be run by WICKED so we thought we'd all just hang out in the room. We all agreed it was best to only meet in the basement at night because there was less of a chance of being caught although we all agree we think they already know and If they did, WICKED wasn't doing anything about it so we continued to meet every night in secrecy.

When Newt and I got there everyone was already inside and for some odd reason, they were all huddled around my bed.

The two of us joined the others to see what had their attention.

We nudged our way to the front where Alby stood with a handwritten note in hand.

He looked up at me.

"She wants to meet with you."

"Who?" I asked.

Minho replied as Alby handed me the letter.

I read out loud for everyone to hear.

Dear Thomas

Meet me in my office again tonight.
Same time.
Don't let anyone see you.
It's urgent.

Ava Paige.

I turned to Newt for support.
He simply shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess you're seein' her tonight then."


I wrapped my knuckles on the door once, like I had the last time I visited Paige in her office.

Instead of answering, she flung open the door and yanked me inside as quickly as possible before gently closing the door behind us.

She looked the worst I've ever seen her.

Her usual crisp white clothes had coffee stains and crinkles. Her usually flawless face was streaked with worry lines and her eyes were plagued with dark circles beneath them. Her hair that's normally slicked back into a tight bun was falling free like a volcano and exploding all around her tired face.

"Dr. Paige are you..."

"Oh hush boy."

She interrupted pacing up and down as she spoke in agitation.

"There's no time for this. Listen you have to get going. Janson was already suspicious of me before but now he is watching my every move so there's no time to waste. Starting from tomorrow night we'll take blood and we'll do it for 2 days so you don't lose too much in one sitting then I'll give you 5 days recovery time, 6 at most, and then you'll all have to leave. I've already gotten a pilot ready. You do remember Goerge and Brenda don't you?"

I nodded.

"They'll be going with you and the other gladers. Georgeffliessesesy the berg and Brenda can help with weapons. We'll meet with them tomorrow while we draw some of your blood. You and the others must meet me Tomorrow night at midnight in that basement of yours where we can get to work, understood?"

I felt dizzy.
Everything was happening all at once and I was struggling to keep up but I nodded anyway.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow. Get some rest now, you are going to need it. The good night Thomas. Oh, and don't get caught on the way back."

I nodded again.
"I won't. Good night."

I got back to the room as quietly and quickly as I could.

"What she say?"
Ben asked as I entered the room.

I explained what had happened to my friends as they listened intently.

"So we're starting from tomorrow."
I finished.

"Alright well I just hope your right and we can trust this woman."
Winston said.

"I am."

Everyone got up, said their goodnights, and headed off to bed.

Newt came up to me with a concerned look.

"Are you sure about this?"

I nodded.

"Ok then."
He said, taking my hand.

"Goodnight Tommy. I love you."
Newt pecked my cheek.

"Night Newt. Love you too."

We went to our separate beds but I couldn't fall asleep so I stared up at the ceiling until sleep finally took over.

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