Just Another Day At Camp

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TW: slight mention of contemplating suicide, but not much

It's been a while since the war with Gaea, but no one seems to have recovered quite yet, especially the Apollo cabin.
People seem to forget that they have to see their friends die, while knowing that they could have helped. It hurts.
I don't mean to sound selfish, but it hurts even more to feel every single one of their deaths. I am the one that had to guide them to the Styx.
I never liked being the daughter of Hades, but the wars have always hit me hard.
My girlfriend Willow is the only thing maintaining my sanity at the moment, how she keeps her own in tact, I'll never know.
Clearly, I should be asleep, it is three in the morning, but hey, what better thing to be doing than replacing sleep with sword fighting, besides it's not like anyone else here can judge me, everyone has a vice nowadays.

Willow's vice is medical research.
Hazel's is sleeping.
Percy's is sitting at the bottom of the lake crying.
Annabeth's is architecture.

And mine, well mine is contemplating whether or not I should go to the Underworld for good.

Hello my goblins!
Sorry this is so short ( and late ) I've been in a slump :(
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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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