Chapter 1: Feels Like so Long

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Hey, quick intro..... So I am posting this a Little early..... but I will hold out on the next one but thanks, Fan me <3 constructive criticism is wanted!!!!

"Oh crap, thanks." Brendon said walking out the front door. He was walking to the park because he had to leave the car for Dallon today. He walked down the street, he had a feeling he was going to be late. He got to the park at 8:10. oh crap, why am i so late. he thought running up to Sarah.. "i'm sorry I'm Late." he said walking up and hugging her. "Want to go get some ice cream?

"Yeah, I would love some." she said they walked over to the ice cream shop and each got a scoop. Then they took a walk. "I asked you to come out here for a reason," she said sadly sitting on a bench.

"Yeah, what is it." he said obviously not seeing her sadness.

"Well, I know its been 3 year we've been dating, and we are going to get married in a few months, but I just cant handle it any more. All the hate, being with you means dealing with all the hate of others, and some of it is pretty serious, and I just cant take it any me. This is not easy to say, I'm sorry Brendon we are over." she said.

He just looked at her confused. "What is that the only reason cause I can change that please Sarah I love you." he tried to get her to change her mind.

"No, you cant, and I've heard to many times that you are dating other people, so that means you are doing stuff with other girls that will make people think you are dating them, and I don't want our relationship to be like that." she said.

"But the thing is I'm not dating them, I'm dating you," Brendon's eyes start to water. "I would never cheat on you and you know it." he tried reassuring her.

"Yes, but what about the hate. I've been told to kill my self, that I'm ugly, to die in a hole you whore, Brendon deserves better than you, that i don't deserve to live on this world. I try to act like I don't care.... but I do. and I cant take it any more. Please, now I am going to leave. Good bye Brendon." She said Kissing his cheek. She just left him there crying with his eye liner running down his face. He had never been broken up with, yes he had been though plenty of relationships, but none like the one he has....... had with Sarah, now she was gone. Brendon thought he loved her. he looked over in the direction Sarah walked away in, he saw her with...... was that RYAN!! And they just KISS! The tears came down his face more profusely. Then Jon walked up.

"Jon." Brendon sounded a myriad of feeling; confusion, anger, sorrow. Jon looked down at Brendon not know it was him. "Do you know about Sarah and Ryan?" he asked. Jon just shook his head yes. "how long have you known?" he asked sobbing

"For about three weeks." Jon said realizing that it was Brendon. "Brendon, whats wrong, she said that you were over her and broke up with her 2 months ago?" he asked.

"Two months, is that how long they have been together?" Brendon was getting more angry then sad.

"Yeah. Why do you want to know?" Jon was very confused.

"SHE just broke up with ME, about five minutes ago." he said getting up. He left Jon confused. He walked over to Sarah and Ryan. He turns Ryan around and slapped him. "How could you, and you new we were going to get married, you knew that we had been dating for 3 years, yet you got with her, while we were dating." he said then turned to Sarah who had a shocked face. "And you, you said you thought I was seeing other girls, look at who is the cheater now." He said and started crying. "I never want to see either of you again." He screamed walking away.

"Brendon, you know." Ryan started to say but Sarah cute him off by hushing him.

Brendon just walked, he didn't know where, but he ended up at the house. He walked inside and ran up to his room with out a word. He cried into his pillow his eyeliner smearing on it. He turn on his stereo and put in his own CD and listened to Sarah smiles about 10 times singing along:

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