My Stupid Writes Your Stories

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I've been really busy I know but we got to write a poem for English (YES) and I wrote this one for you all<3 xx




I once had a dream I was sleeping with sirens in the sky.

We awoke and tried to fly,


But tell me how,

does something fly,

that's meant to float

down moonlit pools of mist

like sirens do?

And so they cried and cut and lied,

and tried to fall from heaven

all from a misunderstood disability.

Landing in a cascade of tears,

(thank Alice by the way)

they discovered they could swim.

Lurking in the realm of real lost souls,

the deep,

was where they deeply belonged.

No longer did they long to fly,

patched up hearts without having to die.

Clashing with their demons,

they survived.

I thought,

if they can, why can't I?

Climbing down the rope ladder connecting the sky to the world,

I stepped off my high throne,

and twirled

and found an old journal washed up from the sea.

And saw the whole world a bit differently.

That maybe I'm stupid according to you,

but my stupid writes your stories.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2013 ⏰

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