Look Beneath My Face

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Thank you everyone who has read my poetry, please vote and comment! :) Love you!

This is me attempting a sonnet... :) Been working on it all week!

Note about this poem: Everybody judges each other. You can't say you don't. I know I do. But the point is to get over what we think about people, because they may not always be what they appear. And acting "nice" where you are really just pretending doesn't count. Okay I'll stop ranting. :)



Look Beneath My Face.


You see that girl with the bloodshot eyes sitting there?

The one with the different kind of clothes, sitting all alone?

You know the reason she isn't known?

Cause you don't say hello, you move away and glare.

You don't know her, so instead you declare,

she's an ignorant bitch with a heart full of stone.

If you do talk to her, it's in that sneering tone.

You need to stop judging, and start to repair.

So to all of you who don't look beneath, be ready,

to be put in your place, to stop the pain.

To save someone's hope, and keep them steady,

through life, and maybe, just maybe you'll gain,

another friend to help drive you insane.

If only you could stop acting petty.

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