Don't Give Up!

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Please listen to the song, above, if you have time. i use it as my life motto. 

(My personal notes, next to the quote, are in bold)

(only half of the quotes are mine, the credit goes to the original owners of the rest of them)

You can't control how other people react . Everything you do and say will get filtered through a lens, of whatever personal stuff someone is going through, at the moment. which is not about you. just keep doing your thing with as much integrity and love, as possible. 

if someone really loves you, even if there are a million reasons to go, they will still look for the one reason to stay. that's the kind of person you want in your life.

if you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain. work hard for the stuff you want

i always thought the worst thing in life was to end up alone. i know now that's not true. the worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone. i know this is true first hand. if they don't appreciate you then they dont even deserve to know you, let alone get some of your time and thoughts. 

there is a difference between giving up and knowing when you've had enough. 

treat others the way you want to be treated. i know your all thinking: duh, we all know that one. but i mean really think about it for a second. were all at that stage were we tease our friends and classmates, and i know your thinking: yeah but its just a joke or i don't really mean those things or they dont mind. But really think if someone said those things to you how would you feel? and now your thinking: i wouldn't care or they already say those things. i know the first option is not true, you do care, everytime someone says something mean, you can easily brush it off and ignore it but inside you know it hurts, even if its just a bit. And the second option; if someone says mean stuff to you, do you really want to be like them? No, you don't, you don't want to hurt the people you care about, believe me, i know, because i wasn't nice to my friends a few years ago, i didn't realise it then but now that i look back on that year, and i hate myself and i know i was a jerk and cant believe my friends stuck around me. but they did, and i'm so grateful. so as soon as i realised what a jerk i was being i realized that's not who i want to be, so i changed; im now against all bad words, violence and being even a bit mean towards others, even if they are jerks. So please think about who you want to be, before you go and do or say something that can't be changed. So let me tell you: treat others the way you wanted to be treated.

You can never go back and make a new start, but you can always start from now and make a better ending. What i did before will always have happened but i can still change what's going to happen in the future.

it's not the destination. its not the journey. its the company.

But what if i fall? Oh, but my darling, what if you fly? 

Expect nothing. appreciate everything.

 if you set your standards too high you won't be able to see the little things. Enjoy all the little things in life

forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness but because you don't deserve to stay upset. forgive, but don't forget, just move on-And if they don't deserve your time; move on without them.

Being sad blinds you to the things that could make you happy. Make your life a happy one.

 Focusing on the good things makes them easier to see. don't worry yourself on the bad things in life.

Thinking positive is the first step to being happy.

even when its cloudy and your in the shade you know that the the sun is still there, you just have to find it. there's always a bright side.

like the rock says

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like the rock says. it does end. i know first hand. don't worry.

Try and live a happy life and think positive.

Never give up. your loved more than you know.

Have a beautiful day.


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