Chapter 9

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Late. Goku knew he was very, very late to breakfast—if that was still happening. He couldn't believe the time when he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. The dream he had kept him under for too long, and he berated himself for not getting up sooner as he put on his orange gi. No details of that dream came to mind, who was there, where he was or anything. Only that it felt warm and good, like he was being hugged by a soft blanket and he didn't want to get up.

He rushed past the guards outside his door, zooming down the hallways to the royal chambers. At the double doors, he pushed them wide open, only to find no one inside, the table clear of all utensils and plates, not a single person around. His shoulders slumped as he slapped his forehead. Then his stomach growled, hunger ripping his guts in two, and he wrapped his arms around his waist, frowning.

From behind, someone said in Sadalan, "Prince Vegeta warned us you'd be late."

Goku turned around and came face to face with the King himself. He didn't look cross or upset, only curious. "Sorry about that."

"It's the twins you should apologize to. They're not happy Master Goku didn't train them today." The King smiled, the sight preventing the guilt that rose up inside Goku. "But I told them they can train later in the afternoon, if that's convenient for you."

"Oh, sure! That's totally okay with me. Thanks, uh, sir!" Goku unfurled his arms to scratch at his neck. "Or is it your highness?"

"Either or is fine with me." He gestured Goku forward, turning away. "Come with me. I saved some food for you back in my quarters."

"Oh awesome! Thanks again!"

It wasn't a long walk to the King's quarters. Three hallways and four turns later, they arrived at two large double wooden doors, two soldiers flanked on either side of it. They bowed in unison as the King approached. A soldier each broke formation to open each door, holding it open for them both. The King nodded to them each as he entered, Goku trailing behind him.

As the doors closed, Goku took in the massive room and its rich burgundy colors accented in sparkling gold. It was the most extravagant room he had seen in the entire palace thus far. Bright sunlight filtered through many large windows scattered throughout. To his right, a long hallway led to three closed doors, most likely other rooms. To his left, a smaller hallway led to just one closed door. In the middle of the room laid two large couches and a huge coffee table. One whole wall was dedicated to a huge screen, a console of flashing buttons and knobs at its base, along with a chair. A large desk with various papers and books sat against the opposite wall, framed by two extremely large bookcases.

The King walked to one of the opulent couches, flopping back into it. He then gestured to the coffee table before him. Goku followed and his stomach roared at the sight of a large tray full of fruits, pastries, cured meats, bread and jams.

"Help yourself," the King said.

Goku dove right in, taking a seat on the couch opposite the King. For a few minutes, all he did was devour the food, pausing here and there to drink water or juice. He licked his lips, chewed with his mouth open, groaned when a particular piece of food tasted ridiculously good—and froze mid-chew when he realized where he was, who he was with, and whathe was doing.

With a muffin-like pastry lodged halfway through his mouth, Goku bit down, pulled his arm away and chewed slower than before. Much slower, and with his mouth closed this time.

He glanced up to the King, his cheeks a little pink.

The King, thankfully, didn't look mad or annoyed. He looked...amused? "You have quite the appetite."

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