Chapter 11

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Vegeta woke to the sound of gentle breathing. Soft, pale skin filled his vision as he blinked his eyes open. Warm around him, from strong arms, holding him close. Steady heartbeat against his ear. He leaned back and found Goku there, lips parted in sleep. For the first time in a while, the man looked at ease. At peace.

He took in the sight—the long eyelashes, the chiseled jawline, strong cheekbones, his pink lips, the fading scar on the juncture between his shoulder and neck—and he smiled, lifting a hand up to brush his bare fingertips against Goku's forehead. Soft locks of black hair tickled the tops of his knuckles as he ran it back and forth, feather light strokes that filled Vegeta's chest and belly with warmth.

His fingertips traced down the side of his face to his cheek. Smooth skin. The light hairs there. The dots along the surface. The way the light played on Goku's sleeping face, how it became part of him, just like his umoya. Ethereal. Beautiful.

All his.

Wake up, m'yo mah'kha. He cupped Goku's cheek, thumb resting on the cheekbone. Let me see you.

Like a sunrise, Goku woke, bright eyes like stars focused solely on Vegeta. Blurry eyes, almost glazed over. He felt confusion over the r'bhon'or, then recognition, and finally—Vegeta chuckled—affection, mixed with shyness. He saw that shyness bloom into reality with the pink blush across Goku's cheeks, along with his little smile, how his eyes drooped down, just a little, and Vegeta anticipated it by tilting Goku's face up, maintaining eye contact as he leaned forward and ran the tip of his nose alongside Goku's.

"M'holo, Kakarot," he whispered. Good morning, Kakarot. Vegeta pressed a gentle kiss to Goku's dry, parted lips, his eyes falling shut for a moment to enjoy the sensation, the feeling between them, from the r'bhon'or—the delight in Goku's gasp and emotions. His spark of joy. His rising embarrassment. His blatant affection, all for him.

Vegeta pulled back, only to press their foreheads together. He rubbed Goku's cheekbone as he fluttered his eyes open, meeting Goku's shining own, and he sent over the r'bhon'or every piece of emotion he felt for the man before him in this moment. Awe and admiration over his beauty, who he was. Pride, for him, for what he had overcome, for not allowing his doubts to win. Affection, and love, because Goku needed to feel that most of all, and he knew it came across when Goku's smile grew in size and turned a little watery at the same time.

He chuckled at the emotions pushed back to him, through the r'bhon'or. Affection as well—tainted with doubt, yes, and Vegeta hoped that would go away in time. Desire, for him, and Vegeta saw that well, with how Goku's cock slowly stirred to life between them. Contentment, delight, some disbelief too, all in one, and Vegeta had a good idea why Goku felt that way. He sent over the r'bhon'or his own disbelief too—how this was real, how he got to have his mah'kha, that he even had a mah'kha to begin with—and he chuckled as Goku did, meeting his pursed lips with his own.

Their naked bodies pressed against each other as the kiss deepened. Goku slid one hand up his back to the base of his neck, fingers playing with the skin and hairline there—something he had done to Goku previous. Vegeta smirked into the next kiss, pushing Goku over to lay over his body, and Goku let him, not letting go of his grip on him, nor stopping the movement of his lips.

Tongues met, sliding against one another. Warm, wet heat. Hot breaths. Silk sheets. Goku's large torso. Vegeta felt Goku's cock rub against his own and he moaned as Goku did, sinking into the next kiss, into him. His hips moved first, thrusting up against Goku, the bed slightly squeaking with each roll of his hips, and he gasped when Goku returned the favor, hesitant at first, but gradually growing confident and strong. Easing into this. Relaxing more beneath him. Exploring.

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